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02/20/2025 02:06:25

Hello friend, have a wonderful Thursday! Hugs



02/19/2025 20:45:50

        Sweet dreams, LV B. XXOO 


02/19/2025 19:39:50

02/19/2025 16:58:02

Life is art...
live yours in color

Enjoy the rest of your week!

02/19/2025 16:31:50

Evening., still chilly., they say possible snow tomorrow., i really hope not so tired of this

just  want spring  please.., just did an errand wanted to do more but side roads are bad.

hope you had a good day.  see you tomorrow.  if your having bad weather please stay safe.

Hugs June

02/19/2025 15:44:11

Good evening♥️
Dear Friends
nice and busy here
what love you get♥️
of animals♥️experience
it every day
great ♥️
Wish all
a beautiful week
shines here
the sun ♥️greetings from
Netherlands ♥️
Hugs from us
all Soraya ♥️(**)

02/19/2025 15:34:45

02/19/2025 14:26:32

I hope your day is full
of smiles and many happy moments
Lots of Love & Hugs

02/19/2025 14:22:27

02/19/2025 14:02:22

Have a Beautiful Midweek

02/19/2025 14:02:10

02/19/2025 12:08:57

02/19/2025 11:58:25

Wet Wednesday...

02/19/2025 11:28:26


This may contain: a person laying on a couch with a glass of wine in their hand and the woman is covering her face with a blanket


This may contain: a woman laying down in a bathtub reading a book and holding a glass of wine


This may contain: a person sitting on a couch holding a wine glass in front of a flat screen tv



02/19/2025 10:57:21

  Wishinng you a beautiful day, LV B. XXOO 


02/19/2025 09:59:47

Did I mention that I really like Caramel?

 And creamer ...

 I just can't drink my coffee black ...

~ Not even with Cookies or Desserts ~

But I won't rule out with Kahlua!

02/19/2025 09:59:41

You may say I'm a dreamer, 

but I'm not the only one. 

I hope someday you'll join us 

and the world will be as one.

~ John Lennon ~

02/19/2025 09:43:15
Happy Wednesday herbert

02/19/2025 09:40:30

This may contain: a cup of coffee sitting on top of a saucer next to some pink roses

02/19/2025 09:25:30


Wednesday thoughts of you. Taking time to play the tunes that remind me of you. Have a great hump day my friend.  Jazzsinger

02/19/2025 08:59:39

02/19/2025 07:35:43

It's hump day! Kind of warm this morning but tomorrow it turns 

winter again! I really dislike the one day hot the next day cold! I got 

my RSV shot yesterday! I am covered for any type of lung sickness and 

the flew! Hope your midweek will be good to you! Take Care share the 

Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always Herbert!   

You know, I've got wrinkles on my forehead and smile lines, but 

what's wrong with that? I love to smile.

~ Jennifer Aniston ~

02/19/2025 06:34:14

I Wish You A Lovely Wednesday

02/19/2025 05:13:30

Hi there, we are going to get one of the biggest snow storms in my area today. Schools are closed and they are urging everyone to stay off the roads. They will be closing down all buisnesses at noon today. Hope your weather is much better where you are. Stay safe my friend be well.

Story pin image

Big warm HUgzzz... xo 

02/19/2025 05:13:24

Hi there, we are going to get one of the biggest snow storms in my area today. Schools are closed and they are urging everyone to stay off the roads. They will be closing down all buisnesses at noon today. Hope your weather is much better where you are. Stay safe my friend be well.

Story pin image

Big warm HUgzzz... xo 

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