Vigyázz nagyon magadra, sajnos nekem sikerült elkapni az influenzát. Ölelésem, Éva
“Csodáld a természetet, Isten templomát, Őt dicsérő éneket, madarak szép dalát! Erdő színes virágai köszöntik a napot, Ember ki erre jársz emeld meg kalapod!"
Hello my dear friend Ally hope this finds you well with so much flu going around and this weather wow..It;s cooler here last week got up in the 8o;s.. anyway enjoy your evening and rest of week,,hugs and friendship blessings my friend..Nikki
Good Morning Ally. Hope your doing well. Been busy here and pretty much staying in... I was out yesterday and boy was it cold...I may go see my MIL today since the workers are back today finishing up the kitchen and starting the utility...I can't wait to get my home a gooood gooood day my friend
Lovely day wishes, Ally...did you get snow? Got about 5 inches here and the temp is real feel 4 degrees...Even with the heat on, I can't seem to get warm...ugh!