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02/19/2025 14:06:36

Thanks Ally,Enjoy your day! 

Happy Wednesday Sharon. Pretty comment 


02/19/2025 13:59:14

Have a Beautiful Midweek Ally

02/19/2025 13:36:36

*Happy mid-week Ally*

02/19/2025 12:48:57

Kedves Barátom!

További eredményes napokat kívánok a hétre!

Vigyázz nagyon magadra, sajnos nekem sikerült elkapni az influenzát. Ölelésem, Éva



“Csodáld a természetet, Isten templomát, Őt dicsérő éneket, madarak szép dalát! Erdő színes virágai köszöntik a napot, Ember ki erre jársz emeld meg kalapod!"

Wass Albert


02/19/2025 11:58:33

Cold here today..flurries and rain..might have a better chance tomorrow morning of a snow burst. It's rare here we see the white stuff anymore.

02/19/2025 11:58:13

Hello my dear friend Ally hope this finds you well with so much flu going around and this weather wow..It;s cooler here last week got up in the 8o;s.. anyway enjoy your evening and rest of week,,hugs and friendship blessings my friend..Nikki

02/19/2025 11:55:32

Wet Wednesday...

02/19/2025 11:28:26


This may contain: a person laying on a couch with a glass of wine in their hand and the woman is covering her face with a blanket


This may contain: a woman laying down in a bathtub reading a book and holding a glass of wine


This may contain: a person sitting on a couch holding a wine glass in front of a flat screen tv



02/19/2025 11:26:11

Hello dear friend Ally!!
I wish you have an excellent Wednesday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

02/19/2025 11:16:55

“You won't realize the distance you've walked 

until you take a look around and 

realize how far you've been.”

~ Unknown ~

02/19/2025 10:58:51

  Wishinng you a beautiful day, LV B. XXOO 


02/19/2025 10:58:26

Won't it be fun to go out in the yard and deal with dead plants and mow the grass and enjoy the sunshine beating down on us?  

02/19/2025 10:06:44

02/19/2025 09:58:04

Did I mention that I really like Caramel?

 And creamer ...

 I just can't drink my coffee black ...

~ Not even with Cookies or Desserts ~

But I won't rule out with Kahlua!

02/19/2025 09:55:58

You may say I'm a dreamer, 

but I'm not the only one. 

I hope someday you'll join us 

and the world will be as one.

~ John Lennon ~

02/19/2025 09:37:14

Good Day
good day scraps, glitter graphics and nice day comments

Orkut Image Scraps @GoodLightscraps.com

02/19/2025 09:34:04

Good Morning Ally. Hope your doing well. Been busy here and pretty much staying in... I was out yesterday and boy was it cold...I may go see my MIL today since the workers are back today finishing up the kitchen and starting the utility...I can't wait to get my home back..lol...Have a gooood gooood day my friend

02/19/2025 09:25:53


Wednesday thoughts of you. Taking time to play the tunes that remind me of you. Have a great hump day my friend.  Jazzsinger

02/19/2025 09:02:39

Hello  my dear friend Ally.  May your day be filled with positive things and full of blessings. 

Story pin image

02/19/2025 08:45:33

: ̗̀➛Blessed Morning Smiles*ੈ✩‧₊˚

02/19/2025 08:26:36

 Have a great day . Love and Hugs *** Kiss

02/19/2025 07:30:27

It's hump day! Kind of warm this morning but tomorrow it turns 

winter again! I really dislike the one day hot the next day cold! I got 

my RSV shot yesterday! I am covered for any type of lung sickness and 

the flew! Hope your midweek will be good to you! Take Care share the 

Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always Ally!   

You know, I've got wrinkles on my forehead and smile lines, but 

what's wrong with that? I love to smile.

~ Jennifer Aniston ~

02/19/2025 07:08:51

Lovely day wishes, Ally...did you get snow? Got about 5 inches here and the temp is real feel 4 degrees...Even with the heat on, I can't seem to get warm...ugh!

02/19/2025 06:35:14

I Wish You A Lovely Wednesday

02/19/2025 05:44:22

Good Morning,Have a great Wednesday and hump day ! smiley-wink.gif

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