lazy day here too...i just put in a grocery order for tomorrow..he went to McDonalds and got our lunch then took a did get dressed but thinking of getting back in my comfy clothes...I came on here and got a message from a nice lady but she thinks its weird that I don;t keep comments on my page from others...I tried to explain to her that I like it that way because not everyone needs to know what others post to me...they can come to my page and post and see what I have done with my page and I do see the comments..she said some friends think its weird,,,I said thats ok..and told her I appreciate her she is a nice lady,,I swear Ally I get things from so many..but I am not taking it wanted to share it with you,...
Good Morning Ally...Any plans for today? I was just looking at the clock and I am not even dressed and its after 11...guess I should get with it...Hubby is alreay in taking a nap..haha..thinking its going to be one of those day..lazy which is ok...Hope your day will be a good one..