Good Morning , sweet Friend . Sending Love and Hugs ,Mabel
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Hello, my friend, good morning, your Tuesday
Tuesday is starting well. Enjoy this beautiful
day in peace and harmony. Every day
that passes is another challenge or
continue with what you have in progress with
new energies, full of successes to live
with joy and happy moments. Think
about everything you want and everything will come.
Life is beautiful when you are comfortable
with yourself and with what surrounds you.
Savor life with a good tea or a
delicious coffee with sweet pastries and your
day will be sweeter. Big hugs, Maria.
Sending you a little love on this Tuesday morning my dear friend :)
May your day be filled with sweet moments and warm smiles!
Hugs ♥ Andra ✖✗✘♥
,,sunshine..on your shoulder..
~~~~ sunshine on your shoulder..xox
have been busy with my oldest daughter, I hope you understand
why i have not been online or saying hello. I really am lucky
to have Friends that think enough to say hello when i am not
here! My daughter is so tough and she is fighting very hard
to live! I have prayer's from my friends and i believe in the
power of prayer! Just wanted to let you know what's up and
hope you have a great week! Take care and share those Smiles!
Smiles and Hugs to you my friend!
I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my
dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the
sunshine of my prosperity.
~ Ulysses S. Grant ~
Sweetest of Dreams..................♥ xo
Hello Friend,
I hope that you had a nice weekend. Have a nice day ~ Hugs
Ive been Framed..
Kedves Barátom!
Hideg téli idő várható a héten, igazi tél . Vigyázz nagyon magadra. Azt hiszem sikerült elkapnom az unokámtól egy kis megfázást, már a lányom is beteg, influenzásak.
Tevékeny,szép új hetet kívánok! Ölelésem, Éva
"Aki kevéshez szokott, kevésre vágyik,
s minél kevesebbre vágyik az ember,
annál boldogabb."
Verne Gyula
“If you have the chance to make people happy,
just do it.
Sometimes people are struggling silently.
Maybe, your act of kindness can make their day.”
~ Unknown ~