Evening very cold single digits windy chill below., tomorrow will be colder they say., i just went to the bank to file for the money that was stolen., who knows when i'll get it., Am still not feeling well so dizzy.
Good Afternoon Sis. Pam, it was 27 this morning and now at 1:40p.m. it is 42 and sunny. Glad I am not in snow or anything like that. I don't suppose you get much snow there. Take care. Bro. Doc
It is a Tuesday and some people in Central & South Texas are waking up to snow today.
Some of my friends are excited that they might get to build a snowman today.
Maybe others will just stay inside and play with the toys they got for Christmas.
I don't think anyone will actually be able to ice skate today in Texas unless they go to a rink that is man made.
But families will have fun today just being together in the rare Texas snow.
Some will just try to stay warm today and build a fire in the fireplace.
I am just thankful that they are getting snow and North Texas is not this time around. Sharing Blessings & Hugs! Pam