Hello, good start to the week. There's only one day left until April begins. We'll give it a new day. We'll open and have one more day. So the days go by. In Spain, it's often said that the days go by, but they come back to us. That's life, but blessed by God who lights us up, and having a great day is our hope.Today is a gift to you, just like you are a gift to me. I am glad that you are a part of my life. Good Morning.
Let's SMILE and be GRATEFUL for another day. Have a great day
May LOVE and HAPPINESS come to you in abundance
If you can see the POSITIVE sides of everything, you'll be able to live a much Wishing you a warm and healthy morning, to make your day so special.take care kisses,maria
gm afternoon,,,here pam...glad your pacemaker is doing the job xox.here..I am just back from a weekend away with friends xx..it was nice and sunny by the river..had fun ,,..time for tea now,,take care and have a good new week..in April..xox..love and hugs caroline
Good Morning Pam. You have that right about windy March. I never seen it that windy before I hope you have a blessed week. When bentley and I sit on the porch we watch the mocking birds go in and out of my bushes by driveway. and the carolina wrens made a nest on top of my propane tank. I will have to take a picture of that one. I love the wrens,