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03/29/2025 18:05:46

03/29/2025 17:42:01


03/29/2025 15:56:49

03/29/2025 15:41:01

03/29/2025 15:20:24

Sometimes I wish there was snow in spring

But we have to accept it and think possitive for warm weather.

It is snowing here in Maine.

I cannot wait to see Beautiful flowers. Have a great day. God Bless you.:-)

03/29/2025 15:16:35

03/29/2025 14:03:59

03/29/2025 13:34:02

Happy Weekend Glitter Graphics and Comments


03/29/2025 13:27:14

Happy Jukebox Saturday! Would you look at that? 

I'm FINALLY famous

03/29/2025 12:18:05

ENJOY your weekend..


03/29/2025 11:29:51

03/29/2025 11:29:46

Hello everyone
dear friendsߒ
sorry for my
absence ٰߒ
Hereby a nice
weekend healthy
thanks I am
short of time am
honest about itӰߒ
There is now a great
internet has taken a long time
forgive meӰߒ
Lots of love and hugs
Dayenne ӰߒӰߙ

03/29/2025 11:05:51

03/29/2025 10:49:36

Good Morning my sweet friends.  

I am trying to catch you at a good time on this beautiful Caturday!  

I just want to thank you for all the messages, prayers, graphics, love and kindness you have shared with me.  

I am still trying to take things slow, stay caught up on messages, and things around the house.  

If I am not here for a day, don't worry, we just have an appointment or. something came up.  I will still be saying a prayer for you.  I am really doing very well and have never had any pain or felt bad at all.  

I might even be hiding in plain site like Wendy's Bebe.  

If I can't lift my arm high enough to be able to color my hair pretty soon, you won't recognize me anyway.  I will be grey headed instead of red headed!  Love ya!  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/29/2025 10:46:53

Lemon Chiffon Cake


03/29/2025 10:43:44

happy caturday.love and hugs

03/29/2025 10:03:54

    Have a  beautiful day & weekend, LV B. XXOO 


03/29/2025 09:53:27

Sending Caturday Love. 

03/29/2025 09:13:35
"Chase Your Dreams"

Don't let anyone dim your light, don't let anyone say
That your dreams are too big, and they should just fade away
For you have a fire within, that's ready to ignite
Just chase your dreams, and they'll take flight.

It won't be easy, there'll be bumps along the way
But with hard work and determination, you'll find a way
To make your dreams a reality, and live a life that's true
So never give up, and keep chasing after what you want to do.

03/29/2025 08:58:02

 Hello Friend,

 I am back computer is fixed. Have a nice day. Hugs

03/29/2025 08:15:27

May You Have Great Blessed Morning

Always Life

03/29/2025 08:04:51

03/29/2025 07:54:27

Magic Saturday

This may contain: a gold and blue cat is walking on some ice with lights in the back ground

Magic Saturday

03/29/2025 07:06:37

This may contain: a vase filled with pink flowers sitting on top of a wooden table next to a card

Morning ...Happy Saturday .... Enjoy the day. Have some fun and find some time to smile.  Take care of yourself and keep safe.  Hug

03/29/2025 06:39:00

Good morning: Have a fantastic weekend! Lots of kisses

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