Hello everyone dear friendsߒ sorry for my absence ٰߒ Hereby a nice weekend healthy thanks I am short of time am honest about itӰߒ There is now a great internet has taken a long time forgive meӰߒ Lots of love and hugs Dayenne ӰߒӰߙ
I am trying to catch you at a good time on this beautiful Caturday!
I just want to thank you for all the messages, prayers, graphics, love and kindness you have shared with me.
I am still trying to take things slow, stay caught up on messages, and things around the house.
If I am not here for a day, don't worry, we just have an appointment or. something came up. I will still be saying a prayer for you. I am really doing very well and have never had any pain or felt bad at all.
I might even be hiding in plain site like Wendy's Bebe.
If I can't lift my arm high enough to be able to color my hair pretty soon, you won't recognize me anyway. I will be grey headed instead of red headed! Love ya! Blessings & Hugs! Pam
Don't let anyone dim your light, don't let anyone say That your dreams are too big, and they should just fade away For you have a fire within, that's ready to ignite Just chase your dreams, and they'll take flight.
It won't be easy, there'll be bumps along the way But with hard work and determination, you'll find a way To make your dreams a reality, and live a life that's true So never give up, and keep chasing after what you want to do.