Good Evening June, it was 43 today but around 2p.m.we had 2 minutes of snow at 40 degrees. I was surprised to see the snow. I guess the air above the ground was colder. But now it is 40 at 5:11 pm. Today I made something I never had in my life and it was wonderful Salmon Spaghett. Made it just like regular spaghetti, but added salmon. So will the soup be what you serve your son tomorrow when he comes by? Actually sounds good with a nice grilled cheese sand. and then apple sauce for desert and you have a nice meal. Take care and have a nice night. Bro. Doc
Evening so cold here 20's now
expecting snow tonight into tomorrow., went for coffee and the store., bought me a sandwich for dinner., now am making a homemade chicken soup for tomorrow. hope you have a good day
I guess if I lived there I would not have the heatr you have. Here pellets are around 350 for one kind and the other kinds about 375 a ton which is 50 bags. The delivery cost from where I live to the Farm Store is 30 dollars making it 405.00 for the whole season, for the pellets I used this year. And about 40 for the electric I used the whole season for the pellet stove or 445 to 450.00 a year to run the pellet stove. Make you appreciate what you have. Because I could not afford what you use. Some how I think your getting riped off June. Just my thinking. A Ducless heating system I believe would be cheaper. Because at least in this area it is not that much more than the pellete stove. And with that you have heat, A/C and dehimdifier . I don't see how people that don't have much can afford a furnance. Bro. Doc
Brodoc wrote:
here delivery service 359.27 supply service 177.81
delivrty peak 0.98 x 210 terms distribution 0.667x 210gas supply peak 0.8467 x 210 terms
Hi June, it is 38 out here at 9:54 p.m. What I want to know is how your gas bill is 550 for a month? What is the rate for the gas? You are not going to like this the Pellets for the stove for Late Sept or early Oct to about May is 330.00 dollars for 50 bags. Which onew bag will do 1 day, because when the temp gets to 75 off goes the stove, and when it gets down to 67 the stove comes back on. The electic bill was only 60 dollars for 1 month. I hope you have not done any serious damage to your leg for it to still hurt. Glad I do not live in Medford MA, because I could not afford to live there. Take care and have a great day tomorrow. Bro. Doc
Evening cold and snowy day
I stayed in my leg still bother me., say snow tomorrow
got my darn gas bill was 550. for 1 month., spring better hurry winter putting me in the poor house. hope your having a good day., see you tomorrow.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God’s peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 NCV ~ Sunday Praises and Blessings friend
"In times of crisis the wise build bridges; the foolish build barriers."— Chadwick Boseman
Hello Dear friends♥️ from my Mother♥️ just a message ♥️ I write and we both paste Fabienne and Chantal♥️ my sister♥️ yes as one it then gets follows the rest(**) Many greetings and love ♥️van this side♥️ Everything passes but mom ♥️asked us + hug for everyone♥️ In the name of Dayenne ♥️