Hello everyone dear friendsߒ sorry for my absence ٰߒ Hereby a nice weekend healthy thanks I am short of time am honest about itӰߒ There is now a great internet has taken a long time forgive meӰߒ Lots of love and hugs Dayenne ӰߒӰߙ
I am trying to catch you at a good time on this beautiful Caturday!
I just want to thank you for all the messages, prayers, graphics, love and kindness you have shared with me.
I am still trying to take things slow, stay caught up on messages, and things around the house.
If I am not here for a day, don't worry, we just have an appointment or. something came up. I will still be saying a prayer for you. I am really doing very well and have never had any pain or felt bad at all.
I might even be hiding in plain site like Wendy's Bebe.
If I can't lift my arm high enough to be able to color my hair pretty soon, you won't recognize me anyway. I will be grey headed instead of red headed! Love ya! Blessings & Hugs! Pam