Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times...
Sometimes I wish there was snow in spring
But we have to accept it and think possitive for warm weather.
It is snowing here in Maine.
I cannot wait to see Beautiful flowers. Have a great day. God Bless you.:-)
Shine Just Where You AreBy John HayDon't waste your time in longingFor bright, impossible things;Don't sit supinely yearningFor the swiftness of wings;Don't spurn to be a rushlightBecause you are not a star.But brighten some bit of darknessBy shining just where you are.There is need of the tiniest candleAs well as the garish sun;The humblest deed is ennobledWhen it is worthily done;You may never be called to brightenThe darkest regions afar;So, fill for the day your missionBy shining just where you are.
The problem with closed minded people is that their mouth is always open...