dear boomer family and friends frist i want to say god bless homor the man and woman served for our usA. thank you.
I have a prayer request for a dear friend of mine he is one of my neighbors, he is one of the men that is fighting to put out the fires around here, on the local news this morning a young man age around 17 or 18 got killed while fighting to put out the firers, i knew my friend was one of the men, i called him , he just call me, he is ok but hes still there its his lunch breck. i told him to be safe, God thamk you. he told me a tree fall on this boy that what killed him , my friend was 100 feet away with smoke. i told my friend that my dad, my alder of our church that we trying to get back. they in heaven angels i pray they watch over him with jesus, oh GOD watch over . my bommer friends have a wonderful weekend, love mary
Excuses make today easy, but they make tomorrow hard.
Discipline makes today hard, but it makes tomorrow easy...
alt="This may contain: a man and woman kissing each other while
standing next to each other in black and white" class="hCL kVc L4E MIw
N7A XiG" fetchpriority="high" loading="auto"
style="object-fit: contain;">