Morning Sweetest of Friend Ally....I hope this week was good to you and the
weekend will be, even better.Enjoy it to the fullest! Stay Safe, Stay
Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga.Como siempre te
mando esta nota con mucho amor y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida
de ti Janet.
I hear you so many people are hurting and it'snot getting any better, Groceries are So high. People are hurting.
My new neighbor next door moved here from Tampa and she told me what she paid for insurance,
Ally, I had a 5K increase in my homeowner's insurance this year. Who do you think is going to pay for all these natural disasters, us, the home owners?
FEMA has no money and this gobermenkeeps ending money to another country supporting the war in the world, is our money that they are distributing instead of helping our retirees and veterans, I see so many veterans that don't have where to live.