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03/02/2025 19:58:40

        LV. Barb XXOO 


03/02/2025 18:28:50

03/02/2025 18:27:44

May the heavens shower you with love...

03/02/2025 18:17:37

Good Afternoon June, I went over 5 miles to Harrisburg north for lunch and had a chicken salad, garlic toast and diet soft drink. Before I went I mowed the front yard the firsrt cutting. I am surprised the mower started that easy. It started after 4 tries. If I had known it wasn't going to rain I would have mowed the backyard. Have a great day tomorrow. Bro. Doc

Evening happy sunday., cold day wind chill  zero

stayed in getting all my tax papers ready., just have to add up all my medical then i can go to the account.

hope you had a great weekend., see you in the morning



03/02/2025 18:10:15
Good Evening

03/02/2025 17:07:31

Blessings to you ...
enjoy this beautiful Sunday!

03/02/2025 16:54:46

 Finding the time to get on here isn't easy the last couple of months, but I hope you're doing well angel. I'll try to be here more often I hope

03/02/2025 16:35:38


03/02/2025 16:18:08

Treasures♥️ a lot
love ♥️from me♥️
for those who go to sleep
good night
or tomorrow♥️
then a healthy start
in the new week ♥️
Hope tomorrow
to be the case
with all the animals ♥️
everything is going well
but be there yourself
dearest bee♥️
My daughters
understand the business♥️
Now Dear Boomer♥️ friends♥️hugs
Always with Respect ♥️
Dayenne ♥️Soraya ♥️♥️

03/02/2025 15:29:58

03/02/2025 14:56:38

Beautiful Evening

Smiles And Hug's

03/02/2025 13:55:38

I'm nailing my Sunday..Hope U R 2

03/02/2025 13:06:30

Happy March. Cannot wait till spring. Sick of being so cold. Need to see less snow and see a lot of Beautiful flowers and Bees. Take care and hang in there. God Bless you. :-)

03/02/2025 12:34:45

03/02/2025 12:21:13

Un petit coucou du

Pour te souhaiter une
agréable soirée

Après un week-End
bien rempli

Une soirée de détente
cela fait du bien

Et j’espère que pour
toi ta journée c’est bien passer

A bientôt et encore
une bonne soirée

Suivie d’une douce

Remplie de doux rêves

  = Amité  de Pimprenelle =

03/02/2025 12:17:04

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Sunday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

03/02/2025 12:04:20
Watch the Miracle of transformation as brown, dead winter becomes vibrant , living springtime, and know that your soul will thus bloom again.
The Gift is life itself~~everything that is born into  this world and grows and strives to achieve  its purpose for being here on this level of existence . Two Ways  Wakan Tanka can be interpreted  are "the large mystery" or "the great sacred". Either  is enough to describe the essence of the sacredness of life, of all life. All of us , no matter who or what we are , are given the opportunity  to participate  to the fullest  on the journey  we are   born into , to honor the gift and sacredness  of life by finding and
fulfilling  our purpose , and to do good and leave our world a better place in some some way.
Happy Trails Friend . Blessings 

03/02/2025 11:59:57




03/02/2025 11:48:42

03/02/2025 11:27:35

03/02/2025 11:26:37

03/02/2025 11:25:25

carousel image 0

carousel image 0

This may contain: a rainbow is in the sky over a cemetery with a stone cross on it's side

carousel image 0

I Hope you have a Blessed Sunday, Big Hugzzz & Kissezzz..xo 

03/02/2025 10:27:43

Hugs. :)

03/02/2025 10:26:11

Just Breathe

Being at the present moment can increase your peace of mind. One example of a simple but extremely powerful relaxing technique is breathing exercises.

By focusing on your breathing when things are getting quite chaotic can aid you to be more attuned to the present.Ezoic

If you are looking for more relaxing techniques that might work for you, you can also try activities such as going for a long walk, doing yoga, listening to music, writing and practicing meditation.

Finding Inner Peace Midst the New World

To find inner and true peace can be a challenge for more than one reason. Our society is more connected than ever before, but this connection doesn’t always provide the comfort that we crave.

We are constantly bombarded with news updates, social media posts, and instant messaging alerts which perpetuate our feelings of never being “good enough”. At the same time, it can be hard to step away from all of this noise because of how much work needs to get done.

Don't listen when your heart , worn and tired, tells you to give up. Don't give up! Your heart needs a rest and nourishment. In God , there is rest for all who are exhausted; in his promises there is enough food for the weary soul.
Spend your time on this earth loving not judging. 
Sending Love and Blessings to all .

03/02/2025 09:56:16


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