Enjoy your Friday, My Dear FriendLots of Love!
Hello my sweet Friend . How are you ? Coffee ? Hugs , Mabel
Friday is here! Woo Hoo!
I am praying for sunshine and warmer weather. How about you?
I am so ready for green to start sprouting out on plants, bushes and grass.
It has been so cold and cloudy for so long that I think my summer tan has faded.
I wish you the start of a fun weekend full of laughter and love with friends.
And restful evenings to rejuvenate, relax and eat wonderful meals with those you love. Blessings & Hugs! Pam
Some days you just don't want to get out of bed. You just want to play with your toys.
Then Mom decides that we need to go to town. So it is up and at 'em.
Even though I would rather watch the other dogs on TV all day long.
Who really likes shopping anyway. There is nothing in this cart that I want to play with.
I don't understand why I can't stay home and play with my friends.
However, when Dad gets home, he will play with me! Blessings & Hugs! Pam