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03/06/2025 05:20:27

Good Thursday Morning!  It is still dark and cold.  In just a few days, the time will be an hour later and it won't be quite as dark.  

We will have to stay up later to catch the moon coming up.  Are you a night person?  

Or are you an early riser and one who doesn't get to see the moon in the middle of the night?  

I am both!  I love watching the crack of dawn as the sun comes up and to see all the different colors God paints in the sky.  I also love the night and all the stars.  

I don't need as much sleep as the "average" calls for.  So I am giddy with excitement that we lose an hour and have more sun later in the day.  

No matter if you like mornings or late nights, I pray for you to have joy in your heart! 

Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/06/2025 03:48:34

03/06/2025 03:29:52

"Rise and shine, dear one!
Embrace the morning with open arms
and let positivity guide your day."


Wishing you a Peaceful day, Dear Friend


Lots of Love!

03/06/2025 03:21:45

03/06/2025 02:05:25

Good morning my dear friend, I hope you have a nice Thursday! Many kisses.

03/06/2025 01:20:22

Morning ,sweet Friend .Be happy !



03/05/2025 23:16:35


03/05/2025 20:38:16

   LV. Barb XXOO 


03/05/2025 19:28:55

 Hello Friend,


 Hope your day was good. Have a nice evening. ~  Hugs

03/05/2025 19:12:06

03/05/2025 18:33:32

Good Night my friend, I just love my teddy bears...:)

This may contain: a brown teddy bear holding a heart in its paws with the caption i love you

Sweetest Dreams & Blessings.. xo

03/05/2025 18:27:03

Good Evening June, It was pea soup fog this morning and 35 and it is 52 now at 4:20 p.m. and it has been sunny after the fog went away. Went to Grocery Deal in Harrisburg 5 miles North of here and got 15 items and spent 23 dollars.Nice they are a discount Grocery Store. It only takes 7 mins. to go 5 miles, so that is not so bad. Also spent 20 dollars and got my hair cut. The lady that cuts my hair is going to Reno April 2nd to see her Grandson  play in the World Wrestling Champingships. That should be interestintg. Have a good rest of the day and see you tomorrow.Bro. Doc

Evening  raining off and on

tonight heavy rains  and windy

went for coffee and the store., then went to have my taxes done.,

hope your having a good day  see you tomorrow,''

good  night


03/05/2025 18:24:28

03/05/2025 18:18:58

I am not sure how internet can cost only 12 dollars a month. Bro. Doc

Brodoc wrote:

    my aol  only cost  me  12.00  a month

Good Evening June, 55 today. Glad I do not have AOL I have Hunter Communications, High Fiber and pay only 50 dollars. This is with the discount. Would be 60 dollars if I was not on Auto pay. I have heard of late that AOL has been having problems, not sure what they are. But sure am glad I have high fiber and get around faster than Wi-Fi. We did have some rain this morning. But hard to believe tomorrow is the middle of the week. Have a great rest of the day June. Bro. Doc

Evening  was nice day 40's 

4 hours on the phone  aol  to fix it couldn't log on .

hope its ok now.  went for coffee and the dollar tree.,

hope your having a good day my friend




03/05/2025 18:11:56

03/05/2025 18:00:32
  I hope your day is filled with blessings.

03/05/2025 17:48:13

Wishing you a Relaxing evening, My Dear Friend


Lots of Love!

03/05/2025 17:42:46

↶*ೃBeautiful✧˚. ❃ Night↷ ˊ-

♡̩̥̩♡̩̩̥͙♡̩͙ ˊˎLife


03/05/2025 17:33:42

“Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves… What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment’s hesitation.” – Catherine Doherty Ash Wednesday night grace and peace my friend




In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30 NIV

03/05/2025 17:24:23

03/05/2025 16:24:22

I read the news today oh boy

What's shaking?

03/05/2025 15:56:07

*Find joy in the little things*

03/05/2025 15:49:36

03/05/2025 15:44:27


03/05/2025 15:08:16

*Happy mid-week*

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