Loving Life
Female 69 years old Midland City, Alabama United States Profile Views: 407
    [ 24590 ]
06/20/2007 06:47:57 |
Depends on my mood. I am most interested in uplifing movies.
Most..I really enjoy the Blues.. Rock n Roll, Classical, soul..
Books about spirituality.
I am involved in my own life as my main passion. I started Tae Kwon Do for my 5oth birthday and I think I'll take Salsa Dance lessons when I turn 51.
I greatly enjoy gardening, reading, documentaries.
I love creating jewelry, Spirit Art Dolls, working with the healing energy of stones and crystals. I also like playing around with picture taking. .. love digital.. now I take even more pictures.
I'm living my life and loving it. I am a single mom and enjoy it greatly. I work at home for myself and feel so blessed. I love creating new jewelry, dolls, dream catchers etc. I used to do shows and Pow Wows, then found the internet. I love it. The whole world at my fingertips.
I have a website.. information on healing stones, crystals, meditations, and some of my creations.
My Website
Life itself is the greatest turn on. How exciting to experience each moment of the day and all the joy and love it brings with it.
Negativity.. down in the mouth.. attitude.
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