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11/28/2024 02:20:33

Happy Thursday, dear friend.

To my friends in the States.

May you have a great Thanksgiving day with your family and friends.

Love and hugs

11/28/2024 00:35:23

11/27/2024 23:44:08

11/27/2024 22:52:27

11/27/2024 22:44:00

Wishing You and Family a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

11/27/2024 22:19:41

Solve Good Morning - Happy Thursday! jigsaw puzzle online with 63 pieces

osteospermum (flower power?) : r/GardeningUK

Fun Engagement Photo Pose Ideas Find the perfect pose for your Engagement  Photos | Engagement Photo Ideas

11/27/2024 21:47:27

"What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?" –Erma Bombeckb ~ Thanksgiving Eve friend







11/27/2024 21:18:02
Good night Marie Happy Thanksgiving

11/27/2024 20:59:47

Today I witnessed a young family find their dog, Bella, after she had been missing for almost five days. It's truly a miracle that she survived:) It was one of the most joyful moments that I've ever experienced. Just felt like sharing❤

11/27/2024 20:53:24

     Sweet dreams, LV B. XXOO 



11/27/2024 20:26:24

Don't forget to Save me a slice of pumpkin pie^_~

Thankful For Friends❤

11/27/2024 20:15:41

Enjoy The Night With Love And Blessing

Forever With You Life


11/27/2024 19:42:00

To All of You !!!!

Have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving.

11/27/2024 17:42:51


11/27/2024 14:55:38

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I wish you a wonderful day filled with joy,

delicious food, and cozy moments

with your loved ones.

May this day remind you of all

the things in life to be thankful for.

I’m so grateful to count you among my friend –

it truly means a lot to me!

Sending you warm wishes and

hoping you have a

beautiful Thanksgiving celebration.

With love,Abby

11/27/2024 14:36:15

Hallo mein lieber freund...

ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend und

anschließend eine gute und erholsame Nacht.

Sei behütet und beschützt und bleib bewahrt.


11/27/2024 12:42:03

This Thanksgiving I have many things to be thankful for, 

and all for good reasons. But I am the most thankful for all the 

special people in my life because of what they do to help me. I 

am thankful for the most important people in my life, my family, 

my Boomer Friends, and my friends. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because 

it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, 

so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and 

lucky we are.

~ Joyce Giraud ~

11/27/2024 11:50:05

11/27/2024 11:43:31

When your plan doesn't work, don't 

take too much time to think about it. 

Make another plan.

~ Wilson Kanadi ~

11/27/2024 10:33:32

Szia kedves Barátom!

Napsütéses, de hideg idő volt az elmúlt kép nap. Mára nem volt program tervezve, de holnap színházba megyünk. Számodra is kellemes időtöltést kívánok a hét hátralevő napjaira. Estére jó pihenést. Ölelésem, Éva




,, Az öregség elleni küzdelem olyan, mintha megpróbálnánk elkapni a szelet. Tanuld meg élvezni azt ami van. A tested változik, így volt ez mindig. Ne pazaroljuk hát az időnket arra, hogy próbáljuk megváltoztatni ezt a tényt, hanem inkább törekedjünk a hozzáállásunk megváltoztatására, és találjuk meg a szépséget  minden életszakaszban. "

Müller Péter


11/27/2024 08:50:27


Cup Of Love For You And Me Our Sweet Morning

Be Blessed


11/27/2024 07:35:21

Thanks for your continued friendship!

11/27/2024 06:12:57

i am so blessed to have you has a friend..thank you..love Karen 

11/27/2024 05:30:05

Good Morning… Wishing you a Wonderful day!

11/27/2024 04:44:23

     Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday,LV B. XXOO 


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