Evening my friend ., I hope your having a great Friday and plans for the weekend.,
I went for coffee and the super market., bought veal cutlets on sale 9.99 lb so bought 8 lbs
will bread them and freeze them., tomorrow i will make Italian gavey with meatballs and sausages., ., my son came by to fix my doorbell., ., hope you have a great night see you tomorrow.
Hey everyone! Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful evening and a restful night ahead. Hope you get some good rest and wake up ready to enjoy a relaxing, happy weekend! Take care and make the most of it!
This is strange Sis Pam, this one went away and now it is back. It was 28 this morning and 38 now at 5:17 and was sunny all day. I am glad it is is almost twilight and the Sabbath will be here. The sun was out all day so a nice day. This month as gone by so fast, hard to believe. Monday at 1 p.m. is my yearly check up with the VA doctor. Have a blessed day tomorrow. Bro. Doc
My wish for you this Friday is that your temperatures have warmed up.
For your weekend, I wish you loads of sunshine to put smiles on everyone's faces.
We know that Old man Winter is not done with us yet as Spring is not just around the corner.
But I hope you see lots of birds and animals today that are out enjoying the warmer weather.
I pray that if you do still have roads covered in ice and or snow that your travels are blessed and you make it home safely.
Have a wonderful Friday and a fun yet restful weekend. Blessings & Hugs! Pam
Hey everyone! I hope your week went well and you're all ready for some much-needed relaxation because the weekend is finally here!
Even though I live in the Sunshine State, there’s no sunshine to be found lately—it’s been pretty chilly down here! I just wanted to send warm thoughts to all of you, especially those in the colder places. Stay cozy and keep healthy!
( cassoulet is a French meal with lots of beans ....LOL ) ( here the dundey is the president of France ...with his wife...but I guess you have recognized them .. )
Hello My stop by to thank you for your comments in my absence.. I'll see you tomorrow. Lots of love. ♡~❣~At the end of the day. ~❣~♡ Hang a happy thought. And take it to sleep with you. • - ~ • * '♥' * • ~ - •
hello pam xox thankyou..have a good..weekend xx we have bad storms this weekend ...hope we dont get power outtage xx... a shame the scots day called burns[the poet] ,,night ,is usually celebrated but it will be ...subdued [the Haggis blew away...x!] ....love caroline xx