Good Morning Sis Pam, I believe all this happening is a judgment call, to get right for His return. We are getting nearer to the weekend. Seems this week has gone by fast. Have a great day. Bro. Doc
Thursday is a day to be thankful. Snow, fires and so much more going on all over the world.
Sometimes when we say thank you, we have to understand that even though everything isn't perfect, it is right for us right now.
Then you look around and find confirmation all around you.
Say thanks, be grateful, stop and smell the flowers, put a smile on your face, and speak to others today.
Your day will be better and you will make their day better too. You never know what someone else is going through.
gm xx pam xxhappy thursday xx crunchy snow here coffee...the roads are icey xxo...keep well love caroline...xxxhugs xo...(poor people in ca,,in the fires .prayers for them xxo
Hey everyone! Wishing you all a peaceful Wednesday evening filled with relaxation and good vibes. When you're ready to wind down and call it a day, may your night be restful and full of sweet dreams. Take care and see you all soon!
Good Morning Sis. Pam, it is 41 at 8:40 a.m. and cloudy. The sun is suppose come out today. Tomorrow no Stock Markets, or Post Office as it is the Funeral for Pres. Jimmy Carter. He was a great man. Tomorrow I will when I go to Eugene, take the rest of my wife's clothes and shoes to the Mission. I am slowly getting the closet ready to put my things in as it is the biggest one in the house. It is hard to believe that the 13th is coming soon for the day she died. Hope the weather there is not to bad. Have a blessed day. Bro. Doc
Wednesday is the middle of the week and here we are.
Teachers and children are all back in school after the Christmas / New Years break this week.
Would you believe that both are already excited about a day off from school? They are looking for a snow day.
It might be hard to hit a giraffe in the face with a snowball.
But a giraffe photobomb, that picture is easy to catch.
Now you know a sweet thing like me would not do either one of those things. I wish you a wonderful Wednesday! Blessings & Hugs! Pam