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01/14/2025 07:50:45

My baby girl...

01/14/2025 07:08:17

01/14/2025 04:57:00

Hello sweet friend, happy Tuesday! Have a good one... Kisses

01/13/2025 22:43:35

Hello Coco,My Dear Cherished One
Sorry I've Been Away,The Time Just
Gets Away From Me Before I Know It!
Hope All Is Well With You And Yours...
If You Go Outside,Look Up ^
It's A Beautiful Moon!

Hopefully I Will Be Able To Come
Back Next WeekEnd

Always Sent With Love,
**Silver Rain~**

01/13/2025 22:34:19

Pin page

Flowers hotsell

Understanding Commitment Phobic Men — Meridian Counseling

01/13/2025 21:53:47

My Dear Sweet Friend,
Sorry I've Been MIA
It's Just Not Enough Time In The Day,
But Wanted To Come And Leave Some Love~
Hope All Is Well With You And Yours...
I Will Try And Come Back Next Weekend
If Not,Don't Give Up On Me...

Sleep Well Tonight,Warm And Cozy
Under The Light Of The Moon!

Always With Love,
Silver Dreams~

01/13/2025 21:51:50

Blessed Night With :/Life

01/13/2025 21:19:20


01/13/2025 21:02:40


This may contain: a woman taking a selfie in her bedroom at night with the city lights reflected in the window

Story pin image


01/13/2025 20:00:35

01/13/2025 19:51:20


Hi Corinne! 

I just wanted to wish you all a peaceful and restful evening as you wind down your day. When you're ready to call it a night, may you sleep soundly and wake up refreshed! Sending good vibes your way for an amazing week ahead—full of positivity, joy, and good energy. Take care and see you soon! 

01/13/2025 19:47:57


Hey friends! 

I just wanted to wish you all a peaceful and restful evening as you wind down your day. When you're ready to call it a night, may you sleep soundly and wake up refreshed! Sending good vibes your way for an amazing week ahead—full of positivity, joy, and good energy. Take care and see you soon! 

01/13/2025 19:32:58


01/13/2025 19:14:21

Make-out Monday Night............♥

01/13/2025 18:36:40

Evening my friends.,  went for coffee., and back to the eyeglass place

to have them fix them., they ordered new lens  they just gave me distance not readers

going crazy switch from old to new.,  just have to wait now for the new lens to come in.

made homemade ravioli for my son dinner tonight., plus a batch of Macaroni and cheese for him to take home.,  should be here by 8.30., i hope he does because am  tire and want to go to bed.

01/13/2025 18:15:46

01/13/2025 15:10:35

01/13/2025 14:53:14

01/13/2025 14:37:26


Story pin image

This may contain: an open book with musical notes on it and lights coming out from the pages, surrounded by music notes

If music. be the food of love, Play on.Give me excess of it,that. surfeiting,the appetite may sicken and so die.William Shakeespeare...xo 

01/13/2025 13:41:01

“But that's just it; 

I can either focus on what 

I have lost, or what I have gained, 

and I choose the latter.”

~ Angie Smith ~

01/13/2025 13:33:55

Cold Monday, stay warm!

01/13/2025 13:30:03


May you have a great week my dear friend, may it overflow with positive vibes.


─✿─  Stay Richly Blessed & Happy! ─✿─

01/13/2025 12:38:56

“Something, somewhere, 

knows what’s best for me and promises 

to keep sending me people and experiences 

to light my way as long as I live in gratitude 

and keep paying attention to the signs.”

~ Jennifer Elisabeth ~

01/13/2025 10:20:17

Mon amie Corinne. J'espère que tu passeras une bonne journée.

Je te souhaite une très belle semaine. Prends soin de toi, mon amie.

Amour, câlins.  Élisa.

01/13/2025 09:29:05

Overseeing the Harvest ...

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