Hello Lovers ❤ have a nice healthy day nice ❤ busy here and cozy❤ lots of Love hugs ❤ from all of us Dayenne and Bonita❤ I'm going on Friday a 1 week to Curaçao ❤ wonderful with the family long flight but yes away for a while out of the way some time from the sun enjoy❤ Success begins where the others give up and you persevere.!!!❤ </a
"Minden ember a földön a mában él, Ám a szívében még ott lapul a múlt, De megtalálja a holnap kapuját, Ahová a mán keresztül vezet minden út."
Máté Péter
Kedves Barátom! Remélem jól teltek a hétvége napjai. Nálunk a lányomék voltak itt Máté unokánkkal. Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat, szombaton szép, napsütéses időnk volt. Vasárnap délutántól párás, ködös a levegő. Már napközben sem kellemes a hőmérséklet. Vigyázz magadra. Ölelésem, Éva
A group of hikers sent out to climb a mountain. It was a challenging trail nut not impossible to
conquer. Some found the rocky terrain to be bothersome and so turned back. Others decided to stop part way up and forego the summit. Only a few opted to press on, not really knowing their efforts would be worthwhile. But when these few
finally stood on what seemed the top of the world ,
their struggle became gloriously rewarded.
The sun shine of tomorrow is the optimism of today.
Much Love and Blessings May the World know Peace.
May all Hearts know Peace
So many of you are afraid that if you pray for those you don't like, you will empower the darkness, but love can never call forth darkness. Love and prayer coax forth only light.
Hello my friend, I'll be here from time to time. I still have stitches in my hand and it hurts, but the doctor gave me the okay to start moving it little by little.