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Into The Mystic

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
74 years old
DFW, Texas
United States
Profile Views: 45205
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Referrals: 1
Who referred me: mollytwo

MEMBER SINCE: 08/26/2012
LAST LOGIN: 07/24/2024 15:20:10

One of my favorites is The Big Lebowski with Jeff Bridges.

I’m eclectic. Right now I’m big on Foo Fighters, Pink Floyd, Some Nirvana. Classic. Aerosmith. Stone Temple Pilot. Nine Inch Nails. Amy Lee. Jo Bon Jovi. Kid rock. Sheryl Crow.

At 74, I’m much more mellow physicallly. I don’t “jump around”, lol. But I still do love, among other music, ‘spirited rock’. Let’s not forget country, blues, and some forms of jazz.

I’ve had some life changing events in my life as of mid last year (2023). Big changes. Have not posted hardly any videos since then. Worried I might not get back into “the swing of things” there. A lot are very particular about some of that.

I will say only this: I don’t want to live towards any “list”. I just want to live. Why complicate things with a BUCKET LIST?


12/11/22 How many of you already know what your getting/giving for Christmas?
12/11/22 Would you be disappointed receiving a cash gift card for Christmas?
05/17/22 What do you compensate more easily, heat or cold?
06/27/21 What spiritual book do you live by?
06/27/21 What iis it with men’s socks today?

The profile pic is obviously not me, lol. I’m 74 as of this march this year. March 6, 1950 for you astrologers.
I wish this happened more often, but I’m happiest when I’m ‘drowing in ideas’.

Waiting to see if I’m remembered
Open minds.
People-loving people
Shoot from the hip
Positive, Optimistic, forward thinking
Great at handling ‘damage control’ should that happen
Everyone that doesn’t run away from a problem
Problem solvers
Loves Music to the hilt

If not ‘in the moment’. If hiding something, not honest. If doesn’t have time for music.

Displaying 8 out of 590 comments
07/26/2024 18:47:12

Sure am glad it's Friday! Raining right now but it took 

the temps down to the high 80's but it's not to bad! Hope this 

finds that your headed to a great weekend! We're gonna have a 

dinner at my daughters house, school starts in 2 weeks so i will 

be a Taxi again. Take them to school and picking them up! Only 

going to have one grandson he will be in the 10th grade! I can't 

wait till he is done with school! Waking up early again i will 

have to get use to it! Well you take care and share the Smiles! 

Have a Peaceful Evening! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Alway's!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot 

be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

~ Helen Keller ~

07/26/2024 18:20:54

Evening was a beautiful day no humidity

they say all weekend to be 80;s.,

i went for ice tea., met the ladies., then went to Oceanstate job lot store.

hope you has a great day., see you tomorrow 

have a good weekend   night..

Evening  was a crazy day.,

rain off and on., suppose to be a nice weekend

went to lunch with  a girlfriend today, every thurdday we go

hope you had a good day and a wonderful night

07/26/2024 15:35:38

07/26/2024 15:13:57

Story pin image

Just because
someone desires you,
it does not mean
that they value you....

07/26/2024 13:35:03

07/26/2024 13:25:11

It's true that we don't know what we've 

got until we lose it, but it's also true 

that we don't know what we've been 

missing until it arrives. 

~ Unknown ~

07/26/2024 13:14:22

07/26/2024 12:13:40

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Friday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
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