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Writing Creatively - One Word at a Time....

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
109 years old
Profile Views: 1343
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/22/2010
LAST LOGIN: 04/19/2013 08:38:11

A refugee from My Space looking for a new home to blog within a caring supportive community. Writing has been my passion for only the last year and I am unwilling to give it up just because My Space does not consider me a revenue source. There is still much for me to learn in order to become a better writer.

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Since retirement I’ve become active in a variety of areas and made a lot of new friends. As a volunteer at an Aids organization I have researched numerous issues. I edit one of the periodic publications, as well as contributing poetry and articles to the newsletter.

During my first year of retirement, I enrolled in courses in the addiction counselor program at the community college in order to gain a better understanding of addiction and the issues facing Injection drug users. The Aids organization includes a needle exchange program

A friend talked me into joining The Society for Learning in Retirement, and I’m glad she did. In the peer learning environment each participant must present a seminar on an aspect of each course they register in, so we learn from each other. This group includes some of the most interesting people I have ever met.

In my second year of retirement, I also enrolled in a fiction writing course at the university. Writing has become almost an addiction fueled by the amazing people I met during my time on My Space. Originally, I joined My Space for photography which I still enjoy, though somehow blogging grabbed my interest

Blogging opened another new world to me. It became a vehicle for meeting new and interesting people who I would never have met otherwise. Their support, encouragement and knowledge drew me further into exploring many writing avenues. And so, here I am

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