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Male 75 years old Plano, Texas United States Profile Views: 1970
    [ 24496 ]
01/13/2009 16:25:45 |
If you can't whistle or hum the MELODY, it's NOT music! Go ahead...whistle rap...see?
Cool beats and rhythms are nice...they stir my primitive side; but the music elevates my soul.
Music doesn't define me, but it does serve me well on my journey.
Make it: Beatles (all years), Moody Blues, Chris Isaak, Robert Earl Keen, Enya, Fleetwood Mac, Clapton, Neil Young, Emmy Lou Harris, Roy Orbison, Phil Collins, The Byrds, Spiro Gyro, One O'Clock Lab get the pic.
Perhaps I'll figure out how to load some of my collection in the future?
They take me to where I've not been, with folks I don't know, on adventures I could only dream about, while filling my head with notions...yes, they entertain...and enlighten, and transport!
Of choice: Michner, Clancy, Follet, Ludlum, Elmore Leonard, NYT best seller list...easier to say what I don't read.
Sailing, golf, camping, hiking, tennis, bridge, fishing, hunting, chess, observation (maybe a function or trait, but it is a hobby of mine..explain later if)...Probably some new ones I'll pick up later...I have many interests that I actively pursue (and that's different from "hobbies", how?)
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December dude born in 1949 (ergo 49er) do the math. It was a cold day in Dallas, TX, I'm told. Spent HS years in Kansas City. Came back to TX for college...went to work for a bank in Houston later moving to San Antonio and ultimately, back to Dallas. Traveled extensively...mergers and acquisitions...even did some consulting, lot of mortgage work. One son, about to be 20...hasn't found his passion yet, but I'm hoping for the next couple of years...after all, I do think of all that time I spent in college (to some degree) as youthful party-time! ...ready to round out edges in my life (read that as have some fun?!). I'm semi-retired...actually do light electrical, drywall, plumbing and painting on the side...mostly as an assist to those who need it. Pretty far removed from banking/finance, huh? Whole other story!
Love, Agape
Time for reflection and self-awareness
Blamers, fault-finders, basically bitter people
Come to think of it...just listing this stuff is bringing me down!!
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