Meditation is not what you Think
Female 75 years old Fountain Hills, Arizona United States Profile Views: 359
    [ 24534 ]
10/31/2006 13:23:20 |
Cable mostly, Lewis Black (comedy) Fav old (Tommy boy) Truly, Madly, Deeply, The Thin Man series, Discovery, Science, History, channels
SiFi series, Stargate, Atlantis, Battlestar, Eureka, Dr Who,
Commander In Chief, Grays Anat, Medium, Invasion, 4400, Kyle xy, Dark Angel, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, CSI, Cold Case,
See I am very young at heart :)and a romantic with too much time on my hands.. I also have the idiot box going while I am doing art work.. multitasker...
I like most every thing, have eclectic tastes in music, and have a large library.. that includes Celtic, Oboe, Indie, Pop, Rock, and acoustic.. you name it. fav flav of the month.. is Annie Lennox.. I like to listen to Pandora on line they give you new artists..
To many to list, I have a library card and use it...(I eat books LOL)
Mystery, novels, new authors, SiFi, Spiritual,
Art, how to, what if', Science and physics.
Right now I am reading Sagan's books ( Carls son) his Si FI Trilogy.. very entertaining.)

Art,( I draw and paint etc, anything creative) computers, music,( I listen) science, (love to keep up on new discoveries) reading,(anything) travel, (anywhere), relaxing and meditation( love peace and quiet and alone time).
Young at heart, A member of the Pagan community, a solitary witch, an independent thinker, intelligent, great sense of humor, I can laugh at myself, as well as share a joke, I enjoy others company, as well as my own. I spent my youth .. as a hippy momma rally raising free thinker witch... and am still much the same. Haven't changed my views on government, nor on raising kids, or what it takes to be a decent human being... and what we are responsible for as co care takers of our mother earth. I am on because my kids are.. and we keep track of each other there.
MY RANT: I have raised my kids and others peoples as well, and believe that home.. where ever it is.. is really.. where the spirit of family resides..and all people need a home.. and family. and some one who loves the kids.. mom dad aunt uncle who ever.. needs to be home when they get home from school, and when they get up in the morning.. and to ask them how their day went, and what they are doing and who with.. etc.. and most of all TO LOVE THEM.. that is what is so wrong with society's children today..who do they belong to? if their is no family they will find one.. and gangs offer that.. they have to belong somewhere.
Now.. I have raised them.. I am on to other adventures.. and have found time to dive into my Art which consumes a lot of my time. I will work with any medium.. including computer graphics.. the back ground on this site is one of my own. I enjoy flea markets, and antiques, eating out cooking in..gathering with friends, partying.. and BB Q's. ( I live in warm weather year round)
I love the desert, the heat, the mountains.. and the fact that everything I want is with in a days drive including the ocean. The best of everything
independent thinkers, intelligent conversationalists, spiritually open minded, people.
Oak creek canyon, sedona AZ, music, art, laughter, humor, mysteries, and those who enjoy the same.
drunks, big egos, braggarts, bigots, small minds, people who chat during movies, lack of humor, whiners,
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