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Music Is The Language Of The Soul

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
70 years old
Maplewood, Minnesota
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 03/26/2006
LAST LOGIN: 02/19/2011 13:16:08

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I can't say that I keep real current with movies but definitely have some favorites. Favorite holiday movie is "It's A Wonderful Life" hands down. Watched "The 40 Year Virgin" recently and howled through that one. I loved the "Back To The Future" series and my all time favorite space movie is "Apollo 13". The Star Trek movies are a close second and Star Trek will always have a special place in my favorites. Been a fan from the very beginning back in 1966.

Wow, this is a loaded question! I don't rightly know where to begin! I'll just start naming: James Taylor, Harry Chapin, Loggins & Messina, Jimmie Spheeris, Dan Fogelberg, Chicago, Steely Dan, Journey, Santana, Kansas, Crosby Stills & Nash, Neil Young, Neil Diamond, Van Halen (some),38 Special, Hootie & The Blowfish, REM, Vertical Horizon, The Who, Lennon & McCartney, and tons of others that are just not coming to mind at the moment......

I really enjoy biographies and adventure. Also historical narratives. Lately starting reading all of Dan Brown's books: Angels & Demons, Deception Point, Digital Fortress, and, of course, The DaVinci Code.

About a year ago I took up something I hadn't done since I was a kid - modeling. Though now I spend a lot more time in doing the fine detail work and have mainly concentrated on the golden years of the space program-the Apollo era. I've always been fascinated by the exploration of space and am somewhat of a geek in that regard. I'm on NASA's mailing list and keep up with all the current happenings.

For my "real" job, I currently work for Qwest Communications (formerly US West-Northwestern Bell) as a Field Engineer. But my heart is, and always has been, in music. Thanks to my Mom, I started back when I was about 9 learning to play the mandolin. Once I was big enough to get my arms around it, I started learning guitar on Mom's old 1942 Montgomery Wards acoustic. She played by ear and that's the way I learned. To this day I don't read music nor do I have any desire to do so. Had I went that route I'm sure I would have lost interest and dropped it like scores of my friends did. But by going my own way, I got to experiment and be creative from the very start. Inheriting my Mom's musical genes didn't hurt anything either! By high school I was playing in bands and making a lot more money than most of my friends. At least enough to support a car and my other activities. After high school, things continued to progress and I toured with a band called "Legacy" until 1983. By that time I was disillusioned to the extreme with the music business and was tired of playing cover songs for a living. We had a lot of good times but creative wise it was frustrating to say the least. Seemed you had to be willing to starve to do your own stuff or sell out doing covers to pay the bills. I decided instead to go back to school with the dream in my head that someday I would have my own studio and be able to write and record my stuff at my leisure. Finally around 1996, I bought my first recording gear-a Tascam 4-track-and began building from there. Today my studio is completely digital and I have learned to play all the instruments I use in my recordings. I finally decided in the fall of 2003 to take a chance and professionally produce an album for release. Using money I borrowed from my 401k, I had the tracks I had recorded the previous summer remastered and had 1000 copies manufactured. Knowing full well I might not sell a single copy I knew I had to take the chance once or I would forever wonder what might have been. Now it's 3 years later and thanks to the internet and a little self promotion, I've sold enough CDs and downloads where now making music has become self sustaining. Every bit of profit goes back into my label - Io Music Ltd. - to pay for new gadgets and production costs. My 3rd album will be finished sometime in the spring and hopefully released by mid-summer. I find it particularly amazing that in a business that is so age biased toward the young, I sell as much as I do. But I don't delve into that too deeply. I'd rather just enjoy it while it's here.
My oldest boy will turn 28 this year with 2 daughters 23 and 20. My youngest daughter has already made me a grandparent
with abeautiful little grandson and granddaughter. I think that's about it-at least all I can think of at the moment. I joined babyboomerplace some time ago and just now got around to filling this all out. So if I haven't bored you to tears by now and you're a little curious, stop by my website, www.markcullenmusic.com , for a listen to what I do. There are full length samples there from the first 2 albums plus some cuts from the new album. Thanks for stopping by!

Honesty, good music (not too crazy about RAP!),friends,beautiful cool sunshiny spring days, writing songs, inspiration, and a beautiful lady of course!

Sloppiness, pretentiousness, egocentrics, selfishness.

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