I'm how old? No way, I don't feel it, that can't be right!
Female 71 years old The coast, Oregon United States Profile Views: 438
    [ 25495 ]
09/21/2011 17:10:50 |
Mostly Drama and Comedies
Anything with Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock
I loved "The Notebook"
I just finished reading the Traveling Pants series and loved it. I'm now reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven.
My two favorite authors are Danielle Steel and Ann Rule.
I read a lot of non-fiction, and some self-help type books.
Paintshop Pro and similar computer programs
At present I'm trying my hand at drawing
I don't know how much more I can tell you that isn't listed in the sections below.
I live in the country, outside a small town on the Oregon coast. My husband and I will have been married 17 years in July. I have a grown son, daughter-in-law, and two beautiful granddaughters ages 6 and 2. I also have a son in heaven, who was the victim of a homicide at age 17, in 1991. If you wish, you can visit the memorial site I made for him HERE I have plans to change a few things, and finish it sometime soon.
What more can I say? I'm sure I'm not the most exciting person you'll ever meet in your lifetime, but I can be a lot of fun to know and hang with LOL. I chose the song for my page because it's one of my favorites, and I love the message.
My granddaughters
Friendly people
Mexican food
Garage sales
Fresh tomatoes out of the garden
Not having a set time to wake up
Naps on a sunny summer afternoon
Train whistles in the distance on a summer night
I have a fascination about homeless people and burn barrels LOL. I know... weird!
Anything creative
Creative people
Thinking below the surface
A boat in the middle of a lake on a sunny day
City lights
Amusement parks
Theater popcorn
Convincing myself to actually step outside my comfort zone and try something new
Doing something totally wacky and unexpected just because I can
Laughing until my stomach hurts
Getting lost with a friend who can also enjoy the fun and adventure
Leisurely road trips
The beach... better be, since we live on the coast LOL
Street musicians
Sun-Ripened Raspberry body lotion and spray
My favorite coffee drink.. Almond Rocha Mocha, iced w/ whipped cream, and a shot of caramel over the top
Flip flops... I would have said thongs, but then you'd think underwear LOL
Happy people
Feeling content
The sound of a fountain, waterfall, or stream
Sticky doorknobs and counters
Conceited people
Tongue rings and big tattoos
Mean people
Constant whining
Real-life drama
People who are wound too tight
Rigid people
People who look at you like you have two heads LOL
Too much rain
Task masters
Those who judge themselves and others by how much they make, clothing labels, what they drive, own etc.
Clock watchers
Game players
People who share my confidences with others
But I'm really pretty flexible, so I can overlook most things LOL