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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
68 years old
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 03/15/2006
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LAST LOGIN: 02/19/2009 16:30:11

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The Music of the Heart

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In every human heart
there is always
a special song.
A melody that
touches the soul,
a melody that can
do no wrong.

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Sometimes we hear
a sad song
when good friends part,
Or simply for a
broken tired heart.

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Sometimes we hear
a happy song
when a new baby is born.
Or simply it is just
for a beautiful morn.

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With any song
there are many
But that divine melody
never ever relents.
One movement will be sad;
the next movement
will make us feel glad.

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Life is made up
of many songs.
Each song is special.
Each song belongs.
Each day is
to perfection by
the divine.
But there will always be
one song that is
uniquely mine.

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The music of the heart
accompanies us
throughout life.
In happiness and in strife.
But it will always be there
to bring comfort
and peace.
With this melody
comes the greatest release.

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Embrace that special song
in your heart.
That divine melody
and you will never
ever part.
It will always be there
when you need to hear it.
Be still, be at peace
and listen to it.

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Always give thanks for
that special song from above.
Listen to the music
of the heart
and fill the world
with love.

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Andrew Pell


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Life can seem ungrateful ~
and not always kind...

Life can pull at your heartstrings ~
and play with your mind...

Life can be blissful ~
and happy and free...

Life can put beauty ~
in the things that you see ...

Life can place challenges ~
right at your feet...

Life can make good ~
of the hardships we meet...

Life can overwhelm you ~
and make your head spin...

Life can reward those ~
determined to win...

Life can be hurtful ~
and not always fair...

Life can surround you ~
with people who care ...

Life clearly does offer ~
its Up and its Downs...

Life's days can bring you ~
both smiles and frowns...

Life teaches us to take ~
the good with the bad...

Life is a mixture ~
of happy and sad...

Take the Life that you have ~
and give it your best...

Think positive be happy ~
let God do the rest...

Take the challenges that life ~
has laid at your feet...

Take pride and be thankful ~
for each one you meet...

To yourself give forgiveness ~
if you stumble and fall...

Take each day that is dealt you ~
and give it your all...

Take the love that you're given ~
and return it with care...

Have faith that when needed ~
it will always be there...

Take time to find the beauty ~
in the things that you see...

Take life's simple pleasures ~
let them set your heart free...

The idea here is simply ~
to even the score

As you are met and faced with ~
Life's Tug of War.

Author Unknown

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There are so many things I love in life...

Although my kids and my grandchildren
are at the top of my list,
there are so many things I enjoy doing.

I love the outdoors.

Sewing, crocheting, gardening
and painting ceramics
are some of my hobbies.

Music..I love it,
I love it all!
To me it is the most
natural high there is!

The things I most enjoy most in life are:

Nature...the trees, flowers, the beach,
the mountians, the ocean and the sunshine.

There is just so much beauty in the world
around us.
All the little things in life we take
for granted everyday.

I love music,
I love to sing and I love to dance
I love listening to live music to me
its a natural high!

I love the outdoors;

camping, going to the park,
barbeques and picnics,
dancing, swimming, playing pool,
going to the beach walking on the beach
camping on the beach,
watching the sunrise/set,
canal fest, concerts at the riverside ham and cheese sandwiches
w/a cold beer, and most of all
just hangin out with my family and friends...

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