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“You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger...” — Damon's first words to Elena in The Departed

The relationship between the cured vampire/human doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert and the cured vampire/human, Damon Salvatore, is a complicated, but a popular and powerful romantic pairing, and a significant relationship in the series.

Though initially started on antagonistic terms, their relationship develops throughout the series. He was the narcissistic evil vampire, who came to town to seek revenge on his younger brother, who Elena happened to develop an interest in. When everyone had written Damon off as a bad guy who couldn't be redeemed, Elena, who was unafraid of him and willing to call him on his crap, saw something in him that hinted he wasn't entirely evil.

And so there marked the start of a tentative friendship. Over the seasons, their bond continues to grow, from becoming allies to friends, to best friends and, ultimately, lovers. He’s always saving her from danger and she’s saving him from his dark self, they both care deeply for each other, regardless of any obstacles that may come in their way

They both love each other with a passion that consumes them. For him, she is the best thing that has ever happened to him in his life. For her, he is the one that defines her and believes him to be her soulmate.

"Drawn together and not pulling away."— Describing their relationship

"Because of Damon's feelings for Elena, thinking that, for the very first time in his life that he has a home, Elena is the one who helped Damon find his home and his home is Elena."

"That's the journey, I don't just want to throw them together tomorrow. I'd be sad. I want to see the kiss, I want to see the sweaty palms, I want to see it all go down."

"Even before anything happened in our series, Elena had been touched in her soul by this man."

"This year, she's had a very traumatic roller coaster of life experience and it's changed her irrevocably—and at the center of it all was the die hard belief that she loved Damon, that she loved him more than she'd ever loved anyone."

"I think that's what makes them as a couple so powerful. Even if the story line is them not dating, it's still a love story."

"It was going to be something beautiful and epic, so the rain was a way of us [honoring] this group of fans who spent five years begging for this one thing. … I think it’s because of The Notebook … oh, and Spider-Man. Basically, there’s something about people coming together in the rain that’s the ultimate expression of love in the minds of most audiences."

"The show was so Delena-heavy. And their love was such an epic love and such a big story point for so many years that it's a strange dynamic now to have all that gone. Which is kind of what makes it interesting, because it's an Elena we've never seen before.""

"At the end of the day, it is for love and he's going to try everything he can to get her back and win her back."

"They’ve been through a lot. Love trumps all. So when you see, you want it to win."

"I think they're a pretty damn epic television couple."

"I think there’s some terrific fan fiction to be written about Damon’s first years as a human, but he was ready for it. He wanted it. He wants her. And when all is said and done, after going through such a trauma, to be able to grow old and die with your one true love is a beautiful solace in an otherwise difficult time."

"Elena and Damon had a connection that was unlike any other. And you could see it onscreen. It was a very tumultuous back-and-forth relationship. But love ultimately prevails"

Damon came back to Mystic Falls with the sole purpose of bringing back Katherine Pierce, the vampire with whom he had fallen in love as a human in 1864. However, after realizing that Katherine had secretly escaped the tomb but hadn't cared enough about him to find him, he resented her. He begins to fall for his younger brother Stefan's girlfriend, also Katherine's doppelgänger, Elena. His love for Elena makes him want to protect his birthtown instead of destroying it, as was his original purpose when he arrived. They form a rocky friendship.

Elena constantly forgives Damon from doing horrible things to her, such as killing her younger brother Jeremy (although he came back to life) or feeding her vampire blood (essentially ending her human life). Elena has admitted she sees the good in Damon and believes he's worth saving. Elena begins to reciprocate Damon's feelings for her, though continues to love Stefan.

Their friendship deepens, leading to them becoming best friends. Elena cares whether Damon lives or dies, and even when she chooses Stefan over him, Damon continues to still be there for her when she needs somebody and feels she can't turn to Stefan about it. Damon has never lied to her and would always tell her the truth, although he has admitted that he will lie to her if it saves her life.

After becoming a vampire, Elena breaks up with Stefan as her feelings for Damon had become too strong for her to ignore. Elena and Damon sleep together after she admits to her feelings. It's discovered that because Elena had feelings for Damon when she was human and it was his blood which turned her, a sire bond has been created between them. Damon begins to doubt her feelings for him and believes they are solely built on the sire bond. After being compelled by Rebekah to tell the truth, Elena reveals that she is no longer in love with Stefan and is instead in love with Damon.

She later confesses this to him, stating that it's the most real thing she's ever felt. After Jeremy dies, Damon uses the sire bond to get Elena to turn her emotions off, knowing that the pain would be too much for her. She loses all feelings she has for him as a result, but continues a relationship with him solely for manipulation, later telling him her feelings were all due to the sire bond. Damon's willing to do anything to get her emotions back, including torturing her and killing Matt (although he was brought back to life), which eventually proved successful.

Elena later chooses between Damon and Stefan for the second time, this time choosing Damon, since she had fallen out of love with Stefan. She confirms her love for Damon during a heartfelt confession from them both, and they kiss. Damon's later proud as he says to Alaric, "I got the girl."

Their relationship lasts the whole summer and briefly becomes long distance when she begins attending college. After realizing how he's changing her, he decides to break up with her, causing her great heartbreak. Stefan makes Damon realize how stupid he was acting and he decides to try and win her back. However, when he finally tells her, he's unaware that Katherine has taken over Elena's body when she rejects him. This sends him off the deep end and he becomes guilty when he finds out the truth.

After he tells her the truth, they mutually decide to end their relationship as they realize they have too much control over each other. However they end up sleeping together. But after that, Elena tells Damon that he has to let her go until they can figure things out.

As Markos, the Travelers' leader finally makes his appearance, Elena and Stefan begin to have visions of a life that they would never have. Damon is hurt by this but Elena lets him know that the universe doesn't control anything and that her and Damon are real, not those visions. She tries to be friends with him but he refuses and they try to avoid one another which turns out to be impossible.

After getting kidnapped by Markos, nearly dying and with a little encouragement from Stefan she tells Damon that she thought she would never see him again and couldn't think of a worse way to die and so they both rekindle their relationship. In the finale of Season Five, in order to bring Stefan back from the Other Side, Damon and Elena go on a suicide mission. However, when the resurrection spell starts, Damon is unable to come back from the Other Side. Knowing that the Other Side is disintegrating and there is no other way for Damon to return, Elena breaks down completely.

A ghost Damon confesses to her that she is the greatest thing that ever happened to him and the fact that he will die knowing he was loved by Elena Gilbert is the epitome of a fulfilled life. Damon says I love you and leaves while Elena continues to cry and pleas with him to return to her.

Months after Damon's death, Elena desperately mourns him. During that time, Elena had been using a witch drug that allowed her to hallucinate Damon as she does not want to believe that he's dead. Unable to go on with the memory of Damon, Elena has Alaric erase every good memory she has of him and doesn't remember loving him until she finally learns the truth from Stefan. After Damon's return from death, Elena tries to avoid him but changes her mind and decides that she wants her memories of him back.

However, Alaric becomes human because of crossing the anti magic border and is unable to give Elena her memories. At first, Elena tries to move on but then realizes she can't seem to shake her feelings for Damon. They both decide to make new memories and start their relationship anew. As they started to bond, Elena began to see the good side of Damon as he worked hard to bring Bonnie back from the Prison World.

During their new relationship, Elena continued to fall for Damon and eventually got back together with him after the death of Liz, which made her feel that life was too short, wanting to live her life to the fullest with him. During the growing love between the two, Bonnie managed to escaped the Prison World and give Damon the cure which Damon planned to get before.

As time went by, he still hadn't told Elena about the cure and started to question his future together with Elena. Eventually, his mother who was revealed to still be alive and was stuck in a prison world, stole the cure from Damon and put it in a place that Elena would find it. Damon and Elena talked about why he hid the cure from her because he didn't want to lose her and eventually chose to take the cure with her. Elena not wanting Damon to decide so quickly and resent her one day, knowing how much he loves being a vampire, asks for Stefan's help, to show Damon a brutal human life with Elena.

After watching an elderly couple, Damon made his final decision to take the cure. He would give up his vampire status to marry Elena and be the father or their children. As soon as Alaric and Jo's wedding took place, Kai killed Jo and attacked everyone, putting Elena into a coma. Kai revealed that he linked Elena and Bonnie together. As long as Bonnie lives, Elena won't wake from her sleep; so until Bonnie dies, Elena will wake. Damon made the selfless choice of saving Bonnie's life, making Elena proud of him. They shared their final moments together with a dance and a kiss. Damon will wait for Elena until the day she wakes.

Elena Gilbert was born on June 22, 1992 in Mystic Falls, Virginia, to John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming, who fled town a few days after giving birth.

John Gilbert's brother, Grayson and his wife Miranda Gilbert, who desperately wanted to have children, but were having difficulties conceiving, adopted the abandoned baby girl. Because Grayson was a doctor, he was able to tamper with the birth records, making himself and Miranda appear as Elena's biological parents on her birth certificate.

If anyone ever became suspicious, Grayson and Miranda had the birth certificate for documentation proof. Elena later learned that she was a descendant of Katherine Pierce, the vampire that caused the feud between Damon and Stefan Salvatore back in 1864 and turned both brothers into vampires before faking her own death.

During her sophomore year, Elena was dating Matt Donovan, her oldest friend with whom she had formerly shared a crib with as children. At a bonfire, the two of them got into an argument where, afterwards, she called her parents to pick her up. While waiting to be picked up, she met Damon Salvatore, who confused her with Katherine, not yet aware of doppelgängers.

She told him, "I don't know what I want," she said."That's not true. You want what everybody wants," He answered. "You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and even a little danger." After talking to her, Damon told her that he wanted her to get everything she wanted in life, but compelled her to forget their meeting, because he didn't want anyone to know he was in town yet.

Elena's parents arrived to take her home in their car, and she then had no recollection of meeting him. They were later reunited but she didn't remember him.

After leaving the bonfire with her parents, their car unexpectedly drove off of Wickery Bridge. Elena somehow miraculously ended up in the hospital, alive, but her parents were not so lucky, had died. It was later revealed that Stefan Salvatore arrived at the scene during one of his visits to his nephew, Zach and, after hearing the car crash into the river, he dove into the water and swam to the car.

He tried to save Grayson, who was still conscious, but he gestured to Elena to indicate that he wanted her to be saved first. Stefan therefore took Elena to safety and she survived the accident, but unfortunately, her adoptive parents died before Stefan could save them too.

It was later revealed that John, her supposed uncle, was actually her biological father due to a relationship with Isobel during their teenage years.

Elena awakens on the morning after the accident to find out that she has become the thing she dreaded the most has come true- she died with Damon's blood that Dr. Meredith Fell had injected in her system. And she must go through a terrible transition to become a vampire or face certain death. Stefan promises her that he and Bonnie will exhaust every possible way out of the situation, but Damon is furious with his brother for letting her die in the first place.

Damon also tells her that there is no way out of it, "You feed or you die, there is no door number three." Later Elena is checking her mouth for fangs and Jeremy walks in and Elena runs over and they start talking and Elena is constantly looking at a lamp that is making a weird noise; once Jeremy left, she goes over and clutches the bulb and smashes it.

After Stefan makes her a sandwich she can't eat it, Stefan tells her he should have saved her first instead of Matt, but Elena tells him if he did, then Matt would be dead and she couldn't handle that. When Stefan mentions her finishing the transition she tells him they'll cross that bridge when they come to it.

Her statement makes her laugh uncontrollably as she slowly starts to cry too. She goes back upstairs and sees Damon, but realizes she's remembering the scene from Rose, where Damon tells her he loves her and compelled her to forget. After hearing noises downstairs she finds Stefan surrounded by deputies and Pastor.

They take them to Pastor's house, after Pastor tells her about his and the council's plan, she starts to leave the house when Pastor thinks she's one of them.

Physically, Elena is a very beautiful young woman with an oval face, light olive complexion, almond-shaped brown eyes which are sometimes mistaken as doe-eyes, and smooth, long, straight dark brown hair. Her height is about 5'5" to 5'6" and she has a slim, slightly athletic physique. Elena has an uncanny physical resemblance to her ancestor and her doppelgänger, Katherine Pierce, who often poses as Elena in order to trick others, mainly Stefan and Damon.

However, even though Elena and Katherine look exactly the same in terms of physical appearance as a result of being Petrova doppelgängers, there are some slight differences between the two girls in terms of fashion and style, and especially personality. Elena physically resembles the original Petrova Doppelgänger, Tatia, who is Katherine's doppelgänger.

Damon Salvatore is Elena's new boyfriend, best friend and Stefan's impulsive elder brother. As time, they fell in love with each other. Damon is a 170 year old immortal who is described as seductive, cocky, acts arrogant, impulsive, dangerous, and charming. Elena first met Damon when he was in Mystic Falls looking for his object of obsession for over a century, Katherine Pierce.

He then talked to Elena but afterwards, compelled her to forget their meeting. Elena then met Damon again at the Salvatore Boarding House when she went to look for Stefan. After a while, she started to view Damon as self-centered, violent, sociopathic and cruel, especially when she found out that he continuously abused and used her close friend, Caroline Forbes against her will.

She was horrified to discover that Damon was also behind all of the murders and unusual "animal" attacks in Mystic Falls.

Originally, Damon disliked Elena and was rather apathetic about whether Elena lived or died. Damon was drawn to Elena, mostly due to the fact that Elena bears an uncanny resemblance to the object of his obsession for over a century, Katherine. Although Damon and Elena often bicker and don't get along, Elena began to slowly warm up to him as she got to know him, befriending him in the process.

But she still kept her distance due to Damon's constant immoral and impulsive behavior. Damon and Elena's friendship deepens with time and the two become closer, Damon fallen for Elena and Elena developing feelings for Damon.

Damon once told Elena that he loved her, but that he didn't deserve her, but Stefan does. He then compelled her to forget his confession afterwards. As opposed to Stefan, Damon is seen to be extremely selfish when it comes to Elena, willing to put the life of Elena's before anyone else's, including Elena's loved ones. But he has grown and changed, protecting Elena, her family, and friends.

It has been a consistency throughout that Elena cares deeply about Damon and has some feelings for him. But now Elena and Damon are closer than ever, and the sexual tension between them has even increased as Elena's emotions were heightened. Stefan ended his relationship with Elena because of her no longer fighting the feelings she has for Damon.

Elena admitted to Damon that he was the reason for her breakup with Stefan and with Jeremy trying to kill her, Elena was forced to move into the boarding house with Damon. Stefan moved out when she moved in because of the awkward situation and relationship between her and Damon. Damon and Elena also made love for the first time and became a real couple the night she moved in with him.

Damon has never, not once, given any indication that Elena would “lose” him, under any circumstances really. Quite the opposite, he promised never to leave her again. The passion they share is hard to define. Damon once again had the opportunity to prove his worth and show Elena his humanity. She brings out the good side of him — that he doesn’t have to kill for fun and drink blood from innocent people. This humanity makes it only harder for Elena to hide her true feelings for Damon.

She cares very much about him. Throughout their time together she maintains a rocky relationship with him but they manage to overcome anything. She confessed her love for him after the sire bond was broken.

At the beginning of the series Bonnie Bennett is an upbeat and positive person. However, as the series goes on and Bonnie begins to suffer the losses of people close to her (Most notably her Grams and Jeremy), she begins to become a much more serious person.

Throughout the series, Bonnie remains a strong person who is loyal to her friends even through all of the challenges they have faced.

Damon first met Elena the night her parents died. She met Damon in the middle of the road, and at first, he mistook her for Katherine. They started talking and even flirted a little. He told her that she wanted a love that consumed her, a love that was passionate, and a love that was a little dangerous. And then he told her that he wanted her to have everything she wanted.

After their moonlit conversation, Elena's parents had arrived and Damon compelled her to forget it ever happened. They were later reunited in The Night of the Comet, but she didn't remember him. This also explains the reason how Damon knew who Elena was when they met in the Salvatore Boarding House. Elena admitted in The Departed, that if she had met Damon first, things might have gone different between them and she would have chosen him over Stefan. This memory resurfaces after Elena transitioned into a vampire in Growing Pains.

In the Pilot, Damon spies on Elena by controlling a crow and a fog when she is writing in her diary at the cemetery. Damon met Elena at the Salvatore Boarding House when she was looking for Stefan, his brother. He purposely told her about Katherine Pierce, an old flame of Stefan and himself, though he didn't mention her name. He wanted Elena to think Stefan was still heartbroken and on the rebound from the last girlfriend he had, which was Katherine.

The relationship between cured vampire/human Damon Salvatore and cured vampire/witch doppelgänger Katherine Pierce has been complicated since their meeting in 1864, when Katherine stayed in their estate and Damon was serving in the Confederate army.

Damon fell deeply in love with Katherine, but unbeknownst to him, she'd also been seeing his brother Stefan, sparking the brothers' lifelong rivalry.

Their relationship ended when the town began eradicating the vampires. She was then taken away, and Damon and Stefan were shot by their own father while in an attempt to save her, causing the latters' turning into vampires.

Damon since then, has spent the following 145 years obsessed with freeing her from her tomb, only to find out that she was never in it in the first place.

Katherine returns to his life in The Return. Damon initially acts flippant towards her, however she seduces him before telling him that she never loved him. Throughout the following seasons, Damon's feelings for Katherine have dwindled while Katherine still attempts to seduce him from time to time.

It is later revealed that Katherine had in fact loved him and his brother, but would ultimately choose her own safety over them. Damon continued to resent her until Stefan expelled her soul from Elena's body.

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In 162 Candles, Bonnie decides to pack up at her grandmother's and go home. Knowing that her father doesn't like her to be gone for long. Bonnie tries to give her grandmother, Sheila the necklace back but she says no and that it belongs to Bonnie.

It is a talisman that has been passed down from generation to generation and it has found its way back to Bonnie. Bonnie decides her grandmother is right and leaves the necklace on, but just wishes it was a little bit prettier. Bonnie pays an early visit to Elena in her room.

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She apologizes to Elena for being an absentee friend these past few days. Feeling that she can trust Elena, Bonnie swears her to secrecy and shows some of the things her grandmother taught her.

She rips open her feather pillow to Elena's surprise and proceeds to make the feathers fly up into the air. Elena is shocked but happy that Bonnie shared this with her.

Back at the Mystic Grill, Caroline spots Bonnie and asks her about the necklace. Bonnie refuses to give it back. When Caroline reaches out to grab the necklace, she gets a shock from the necklace.

Bonnie senses that it isn't actually Caroline who wants the necklace but Damon. She tells Caroline to have Damon asked for it back himself. Bonnie walks off, upset.

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Bonnie was born on February 15 1992, to Rudy Hopkins and Abby Bennett in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Her mother abandoned her, after taking down the Original Vampire Mikael and losing all of her powers, in order to protect her best friend Miranda Sommers-Gilbert's adoptive daughter Elena, who is the doppelgänger needed to break Klaus' Hybrid curse.

In Haunted, Bonnie learns more and more about witchcraft from her grandmother, Sheila. Sheila talks about the history and how serious witchcraft can be.

Halloween is coming, and Caroline gives Bonnie a witch Halloween costume.Bonnie finds The Bennett Talisman and asks if it's the one that Caroline got it from Damon.

At the Halloween Party Bonnie is front of a cauldron filled with candies. Damon approaches to her and asks her where Caroline is. In respond Bonnie warns him to stay away from her.

Damon notices the Bennett Talisman Bonnie is wearing and asks where she got it from. He easily figures that Caroline gave it to her, notes that it's his and wants it back.

Bonnie says that she's not going to give it, she says she's going to give it to Caroline, and if Caroline feels like giving it to Damon, he can have it. Damon tries to pull it off her neck, but the necklace burns his hand. Bonnie runs away and comes home as soon as possible.

And tells Sheila everything. Sheila says that the necklace belonged to one of the most powerful witches in their family, and she shows Bonnie an old picture of a woman who is also wearing same the necklace: Emily Bennett. And also, it is revealed that she is Bonnie's great-great-great-great-grandmother.

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Damon Salvatore is a vampire, turned by Katherine Pierce one hundred and forty-nine years ago.

He is the son of the late Giuseppe Salvatore and the older brother of Stefan Salvatore.

He is a charming, handsome and snarky person. In 1864, Damon was turned into a vampire after being shot by his father with Katherine Pierce's blood in his system.

Damon was a 178-year-old vampire and distant descendant of Silas. He is now human, since his brother Stefan Salvatore injected him with the cure which was in his blood. He is the older brother of the late Stefan Salvatore.


He was born during the 1800s and lived in the colonial town of Mystic Falls with his brother Stefan, his father, Giuseppe Salvatore, and also with his mother Lillian Salvatore until her death in 1858.

He became a vampire in 1864. At the time of his return to Mystic Falls, Damon and Stefan hadn't seen each other in fifteen years due to their bitter and violent relationship.

Damon’s sole purpose in coming back to Mystic Falls was to free Katherine Pierce, the vampire who turned him and the woman he deeply loved.

After realizing that Katherine never loved him, Damon started working with Stefan and Katherine’s descendant and doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert, whom he eventually falls in love and begins a romantic relationship with. He is also best friends with Alaric Saltzman and Bonnie Bennett. Damon is a member of the Salvatore Family and a member of the Town Council.

Damon in his early-30s, has light blue eyes and dark brown hair that hangs just over his ears, and is styled in a casual disarray. He is light complexed with olive undertones, and a good toned physique.

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Damon usually wears darker clothing: black boots under dark jeans, a black shirt, whether just a t-shirt or button up depends on the occasion, and he is rarely seen without his leather jacket.

Damon Salvatore (Italian: Damiano Salvatore) is the former main antagonist (in contrast to Elena and Stefan's protagonist), the anti hero (in contrast to Stefan's hero), and the tritagonist overall of The Vampire Diaries novel series. He is a 500 plus year old vampire who originally hails from Florence, Italy. Damon is oldest son of Giuseppe Salvatore and his unnamed mother (who died after giving birth to Stefan when Damon was a young boy), the older brother of Stefan Salvatore, the former lover of Katherine von Swartzschild, the current boyfriend of Elena Gilbert, the possible soulmate and love interest of Bonnie McCullough, the rival of Matt Honeycutt, the enemy of Klaus, and the possible competitor and rival of Bastian for Bonnie's affections (in the Evensong trilogy).

Damon Salvatore was born in 1487 in Florence, Italy during The Renaissance Period in the fifteenth century. Like his younger brother Stefan, Damon came from an Italian aristocratic, noble family, meaning that Damon came from wealth and was very rich. Damon and his brother Stefan both fell in love with a young and beautiful vampire named Katherine Von Swartzschild during the time of the fifteenth century. Both brothers became intense rivals and competitors for her love and her affections and this caused the rivalry between the two Salvatore brothers to heat up rather intensely. Because of this, their already strained relationship since childhood became more hateful, vengeful and competitive.

Katherine is Damon's maker and she transformed Damon, as well as his brother Stefan, into vampires by giving both of them her blood, hoping that they would resolve their lifelong rivalry, feud and hatred amongst each other and all of them could live happily ever after together. When Katherine's plan severely backfired and did not go as planned, Katherine felt both guilty and extremely hurt that they would not end their rivalry and hatred with one another. As a result and as a price, Katherine ended up "committing suicide" (which was later on revealed to be her fake death), in order for the brothers to finally come together, resolve their issues and grieve her loss together as brothers, possibly rekindling their love for each other and their brotherhood.

However, her faked "suicide" only caused the Salvatore brothers to hate each other even more than possibly before, and both of them blamed each other severely for her death. Because of this, both brothers ended up fighting each other to their deaths. Damon stabbed and killed his younger brother Stefan, ultimately sealing his fate and triggering his transformation into an immortal. But Stefan also stabbed and killed Damon with the very little bit of strength that he had left, also triggering Damon's transformation into an immortal. Because of the intense hatred, rivalry and threats that Damon gave to Stefan, Stefan ended up leaving his hometown of Florence and decided to get as far away from his brother as possible and also, to ultimately try to escape his dark, painful and hurtful past. Stefan ended up (by some strong unknown force out of his control) randomly settling in a small American town called Fell's Church (which is located in Virginia) in order to renounce his life living in the shadows and in an attempt to live in the light amongst the humans. Later on, Damon inevitably (also by an unknown force out of his control) follows him to the town in attempts to cause chaos and trouble in the small town and also, to endlessly torment Stefan and make his life as miserable as possible.

Because of their familial relation, Damon has a strong resemblance to his younger brother, Stefan. Due to his becoming an immortal and therefore eternally youthful vampire in his early twenties, Damon has a young and vital appearance that neither old age nor death could ever touch or alter, just like Stefan. However, there is still an extremely notable difference between the two brothers: while Stefan's handsomeness has a pure, innocent, and overall haunting quality, Damon's beauty is darkly sensual, lustful, and even seductive. He also has a compelling aura and an intimidating demeanor, all of which he is perfectly aware of, and he knew exactly how to utilize all of them to lure the opposite sex to him like moths to a flame.

Though his handsomeness and his charms had given him a huge ego as well as a constant ongoing tendency to be proud and vain, even Elena once marveled at how beautiful he was, and observed that "handsome" was too weak and colorless a word to describe him.Damon has perfect, facial features: remarkably high cheekbones and a masculine jawline and chin. Due to his being an immortal vampire, he has a pale, smooth, and flawless complexion. Though his hair is less thick and luxurious than Stefan's, Damon's hair was still a marvel to behold: a dark, thick, straight, jet-black shock that fell and curtained over his forehead, and its texture was described as soft, refined, yet luxurious in its own right. His eyes are pitch-black in color, and had been frequently described to be the color of a black bird, or a crow, or the midnight sky. Bonnie also noted many times throughout the series that Damon's eyes were like a deep, dark night sky.

In terms of physique, Damon has a strong, angular, and masculine bone structure: though he is not tall (he is shorter than Stefan), Damon's built is compact, yet stocky and powerful, with broad shoulders and hard lithe muscles in his arms and chest. His sense of style and fashion is as dark and dramatic as his looks, but still masculine and sophisticated: black leather riding boots as footwear, black jeans, a black belt, black sweater or black shirt and a black leather jacket or bomber jacket. However, he has also been seen to wear white T-shirts with a black leather jacket from time to time. Like Stefan, Damon also wore a large silver and lapis lazuli ring on a finger of his left hand, which was given to him by Katherine, in order for him to walk around in the sunlight.

Born during the 1400's, in Renaissance Italy, Damon had everything he could desire. His father, Conte Di Giuseppe Salvatore was one of the leading men in Florence and Damon was born to wealth and privilege. Being the first born child, Damon developed a close relationship with his mother, however, some years after his birth, Damon's mother fell pregnant again, and Stefan was born. But - due to complications in the pregnancy, their mother suffered an illness and she died shortly after. During his life, Damon made sure that he was always one step ahead of his younger brother. This seems in part to the effect that the death of their mother had on Damon. Their mother died when both Stefan and Damon were very young and since then Damon had been resentful of Stefan. Stefan himself, believes Damon blamed Stefan for their mother's death. The death of his mother also seemed to cause a rift between him and his father that continued into his adulthood. Damon seems to have rebelled against what his family expected of him and also, what was normal at the time at University, instead of upholding the family honor, he indulged in his own selfish pleasures – hunting, hawking and womanizing.

After some time, he decided that he had had enough of University and its constraints and went back to the Salvatore Estate, where they had a visitor–Katherine von Swartzschild, who was visiting Italy after a sickness and with whom Stefan had fallen in love with. From what we gather, Damon was intoxicated by Katherine's beauty and wanted to selfishly have her as his own, but also, the opportunity of upsetting his father and Stefan was too good to pass up. Katherine was also enamored by Damon but still deeply in love with Stefan and she could not choose between them. She told both of them her secret – that she was a vampire – and shared her gift with them. Damon was enraged that she would not choose him over his brother and demanded (with Stefan) that Katherine choose one of them. When she would not make up her mind, the brothers left in anger, and the next day they found Katherine's ashes in the garden. Both brothers were upset, and blamed the other. Stefan attacked Damon and they fought each other with swords, eventually Damon's sword slipped under Stefan guard and pierced his heart. When Damon stepped over Stefan, we assume to see whether his brother was dead, Stefan with the last of his strength to kill his brother. The brothers awoke in their tomb a few days later, having turned into vampires by Katherine's blood. Damon ran out into the night, abandoning Stefan and ignoring Stefan's cries.

We know very little of Damon after that. From what Stefan says to Elena, Damon became the leader of a group of 'free mercenaries' and enjoyed the power that he gained from killing innocent people. Over the years, Damon became more powerful and frequently threatened Stefan's life. Later, Damon shows up in Fell's Church with Stefan, having been lured there by Katherine and the fight for Elena begins between the brothers.

Damon is Stefan's amoral, malevolent elder brother. He is the complete opposite of his moral, benevolent brother, Stefan. Personality wise, Damon is described to be sinister, dangerous, generally unkind, uncaring, cold hearted, ruthless and unsympathetic. Some of Damon's other basic personality traits include sadistic, unmerciful, remorseless, careless, cruel, arrogant and impulsive. Damon is a seductively charming and a very dark, compelling character. His history dates back to Renaissance Italy (15th century). He is an extremely vain, selfish, proud and self-absorbed individual and he generally shows an unsympathetic and uncaring attitude towards others, especially humans. Over the many centuries that he has lived on Earth, Damon uses whatever and whoever he can to get what he wants; not caring about who he hurts in the process.

Because of his highly vain and selfish personality, Damon often resorts to either the use of manipulation, threats, or direct coercion or force in order to get his own way. However, when Damon does not get his way, he resorts to extreme reactions of anger, envy/jealousy, vengeful and intimidation. He generally acts flippant, arrogant, and constantly plays word games, especially when it comes to dancing around an issue, and even more especially when that issue involves his real, true feelings or his intentions on or about a serious subject. Damon doesn't appear to take life or anything too seriously (the complete opposite of Stefan, who always thinks before he acts and is always incredibly thoughtful); he seems to have a rather careless, impulsive approach to many things and situations.

When it comes to women, love affairs and the opposite sex, Damon is a certified 'Don Juan' and womanizer. He is highly appealing to women and he attracts them like a moth to a flame. Damon has said repeatedly that he is drawn to strong, dominant, powerful and very beautiful women (Katherine was an example of this and also, Elena). In terms of love and romance, he is the complete and total opposite of his brother Stefan and he has a much more different approach to love and romance then him. Whereas Stefan is more of a classic, hopeless romantic who has a rather idealistic, selfless, (but also very passionate) view and approach to love (very much like Romeo Montague), Damon is a very deep, intense, passionate, lustful, sexual and ardent lover.

Damon has more of a practical, selfish, dark, strong, and intense view and approach to his love affairs. He is also highly prone to extreme jealousy/envy, possessiveness, obsessiveness, chauvinism and egoistic tendencies when it comes to the opposite sex.

Damon is described to be a highly selfish lover and he has the desire to possess women, especially strong, beautiful women. Damon has a rather shallow outlook on what real, true love is. Damon has described his ideal mate as very strong, very physically beautiful, powerful, passionate and strong willed (exactly the same as he describes himself). However, despite his highly intense, sexual and passionate nature, Damon can be highly capable of romanticism, tenderness, compassion and he can be highly affectionate. Although Damon has had many love affairs and sexual affairs with various different woman during his life, he has never experienced real, true love at a much deeper level. Damon has an aristocratic, elegant demeanor and a very pragmatic outlook on life.

He believes that the vampire nature is inherently dark, that they are natural hunters and predators who are meant to kill and therefore, he believes that Stefan's attempts to not kill and feed on humans are therefore unnatural. Whereas his brother Stefan feeds on the blood of animals (with the exception of feeding on Elena and her blood), Damon only feeds and lives on the blood of humans and has been living on a human blood diet since his early life as an immortal/vampire. Damon is a highly powerful individual and he is one of the strongest, and most powerful vampires residing on Earth. This is due to all of the consumption of human blood that Damon has taken in over the many centuries due to killing many innocent humans.

Damon will take blood from any human and he will kill absolutely any human he wishes and desires, draining them of their blood. Damon has little to zero remorse for impulsively killing innocent humans for their blood; the complete and total opposite of Stefan, who is highly empathetic, thoughtful and refuses to kill innocent humans for their blood or to drink human blood under any circumstances and who even feels guilty for killing an animal for it's blood.

Damon kisses Katherine thinking she is Elena as Elena's aunt, Jenna Sommers interrupted them and unwittingly invited Katherine in the house, believing her to be Elena ...

“ Life sucks when you're ordinary. And what makes you exactly not like them? You're a vampire. You take that cure and become human, you're no one, nothing. Trust me, losing this cure was
the best damn thing that ever happened to you.” — Damon to Rebekah in Bring It On

The relationship between Damon Salvatore and the Original Vampire Rebekah Mikaelson is complex since they had two night stands with each other and Rebekah was romantically involved with Stefan in the 1920's. They met each other in Season Three. These two were never close, but they frequently allied without ache other to achieve a common goal.

Their biggest alliance was to find the cure. However, this alliance fell through when Rebekah wanted the cure for herself. They are referred to by fans as "Debekah."

In Smells Like Teen Spirit, Damon gets introduced to Rebekah as Klaus has left her behind, after finding out that Damon has found Mikael. Elena asked Damon to keep an eye on Rebekah so that she can get Stefan to turn on his humanity again. Rebekah coyly tells Damon she knows he’s trying to distract her — then, after telling him no fight between the two of them could ever be fair, she stabs him right in the gut.

In Dangerous Liaisons, Rebekah went to Matt to apologize for what happened to him but Matt told her to leave him alone. Damon arrived to find Rebekah standing at the bar so Damon poured them both a drink.

Damon tells her that she needs someone that is more durable, and Rebekah asks him who that would be. Damon and Rebekah are next seen in his bedroom, kissing and ripping off each other's clothes madly. Damon and Rebekah then have sex.

In All My Children, Elena visits Damon to apologize for what she said to him, but Damon claims that he is over it. Elena stands there shocked when she sees Rebekah standing next to Damon. Rebekah then walks past Elena with a smile on her face.

In 1912, Damon arrives at the mystic grill and sees Rebekah talking to Carol. After Carol tells Rebekah that the Salvatore owned the mills back in the day, she went over to Damon and Stefan to talk about it.

When Stefan leaves the bar, Damon and Rebekah force him to feed on a girl in the street as a test to see how much blood he can handle at a time. Stefan drinks, and just about drinks her dry like he did in 1912 but Damon stops him. Damon tells Rebekah to leave.

In the episode Break On Through, Sage convinces Damon to get close to Rebekah to find out why she is asking about the trees. Damon seduces Rebekah and the two end up kissing and having sex again. While Rebekah is sleeping, Sage comes into Damon's bedroom and goes into her mind, only to find out that there is another white oak tree.

Damon looked at the old 1912 log book and finds that they used the white oak tree to build the wickery bridge. Sage tells Rebekah about the bridge and she is seen burning the parts used on the bridge.

Damon asked Sage why she betrayed him, and she replied that he didn't tell her that Finn and the other Originals were bound together. However, Damon finds a sign which was made of the white oak tree's wood and they can now kill the Originals.

In The Murder of One, Rebekah tortures Damon after feeling betrayed because he pretended to like her and used her to get information on the White Oak Tree.

Later, after Stefan tries to bargain the remaining White Oak Stakes for Damon's freedom, Rebekah lets Damon go even though they don't have all the stakes as a sign of faith. When Klaus comments on this Rebekah responds that she respects the Salvatore's because they are willing to fight for each other and die for each other, which is more than she can say for Klaus.

When Rebekah comes to see Damon at the storage warehouse, Damon hides Rebekah and tells her to be quiet. The two then try to get Klaus' body out of the storage warehouse before Alaric finds them. Alaric shows up however, and stakes Klaus, with an emotional Rebekah watching.

Just as he is ready to kill Rebekah, Damon yells at Rebekah to run, showing that he does in fact care about her.

As of now Rebekah has been with Stefan in the 1920's/2011 and Damon in 2010. Damon has various of nicknames for Rebekah due to her cruel nature. (Barbie Klaus)

Even though they're enemies, Damon has saved Rebekah's life on numerous occasions, hinting that he might care a little for her. Rebekah is the second character of four to have sex with both Salvatore Brothers, Stefan in the 1920s and 2011, Damon in 2010, the first character being Katherine, the third being Elena and the forth being Caroline.

Damon met Rebekah in the episode Smells Like Teen Spirit. They had a one night stand and Elena was jealous and mad. Damon was one of the many people who tried to talk Rebekah into not taking the cure, although instead of using threats like Klaus or thinking of it as a test like Elijah, Damon showed her what her future could be like without vampirism.

Rebekah thinks Damon has a great ass. Damon was the first person, in decades, Rebekah slept with after being undaggered. Rebekah plans to be the next person to take the Cure from Damon and become a human/witch once he lives out his years as a human.

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In History Repeating, Bonnie dreams of her ancestor, Emily asking Bonnie for help. She is scared when she wakes from what she thought was a dream and finds herself at the ruins of the old Fell's Church.

She senses that her relative “Emily” keeps trying to tell her something and feels that the necklace has a lot to do with it. Later, at school once again and without luck again, Damon confronts Bonnie about the necklace. She still refuses to hand it over to him.

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He tells her that he would not hurt her and in fact, he can help her get rid ofEmily. Damon tells Bonnie that the next time she sees Emily, to tell her “a deals a deal”. Driving home from school, Bonnie tells Elena that she feels the necklace is causing all of this situation with Emily.

Pulling off the road suddenly, Bonnie gets out and throws the necklace far into a deserted field. Elena is shocked but knows that it will make Bonnie feel more relieved. Elena invites Caroline and Bonnie to dinner so that they can try and be friends again. When Bonnie arrives, she tells Caroline that the “necklace” drama is all over and that she threw it in a field.

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They decide to do manicures and Caroline goes into Bonnie's bag to get the kit out. Seeing the necklace in the bag, Caroline calls her a liar. Bonnietries to convince her that she was telling the truth and that the necklace shouldn't be in there.

Realizing that she overreacted, Caroline apologized to Bonnie. Suddenly, Caroline has the idea to have a séance to see what “Emily” wants from Bonnie. During the séance, the threesome start to get scared when a breeze blows through and the candles begin to flicker. The candles begin to flicker some more and Bonnie decides it's enough. She throws the The Bennett Talismandown by the candles.

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A moment later, the necklace is nowhere to be found. Once again, Bonnie and Elena believe that Caroline has taken it. Caroline convinces them that it was not her. Looking for the necklace, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena are about to give up. Soon, Bonnie is surprised to see the necklace laying on the bathroom floor. Bonnie enters the bathroom and suddenly the door shuts after her. Caroline and Elena rush over to help her but they can't seem to open the door. Finally after a struggle, the door opens and Bonnie appears calm and slightly different. Telling them she's fine, Bonnie walks away towards the door.

Passing by the mirror, the reflection is not that of Bonnie but of Emily instead. Fearing for Bonnie, Elena yells for Bonnie not to leave. Noticing that Bonnie doesn't even hear her, Elena calls out “Emily” and immediately Bonnie stops.

Bonnie/Emily tells Elena that she is going to destroy the necklace, and that Damon will never get it back. Having had enough drama, Caroline decides to head on home.

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02/11/2025 10:16:11




┏━•❃°•°❀°•° ❃•━┓
┗━•❃°•°❀°•° ❃•━┛
Tuesday kisses and hugs.
Write your Tuesday story.
With ambition and joy.
May every hour bring something good!

02/11/2025 10:07:45

     Happy Tuesday, have a wonderful day, LV B. XXOO 


02/11/2025 09:48:20

Sometimes, GOOD people make BAD choices.

But it doesn't mean they're bad. . . 

It means they're humans.

~ Unknown ~

02/11/2025 09:47:24

Enjoy your Day

02/11/2025 08:31:05

have a beautiful day.love and hugs

02/11/2025 07:22:44

For my drive this morning i ran into that drizzle, you 

know the kind that you don't turn on the wipers but heavy enough 

to hit the wiper switch every so often. My 15 yr old grandson 

say's granny don't you have delay wipers? I just wanted to pop him 

for making me feel like a nut! Bwahahahahaha kids you gotta Love 

them! Hope you have a wonderful day! Take Care and share those 

Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!   

Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

02/11/2025 04:34:39

Hello,Good morning, Every new day can be a new

beginning in our lives. May your Tuesday be

very prosperous. Enjoy this beautiful

day in peace and harmony. Take on new challenges

or continue with the energy you have

in your progress. Have a full day of happiness,

success, and never lose your beautiful

smile. Big hugs, Maria.take,care.........

02/11/2025 03:56:06

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