Annette Hanshaw - Just Couldn't Say Goodbye (1933)
Video clip from "Captain Henry's Showboat" (1933) with Annette Hanshaw singing "We Just Couldn't Say Goodbye". This is Annette's only appearance on film.
Catherine Annette Hanshaw was an American Jazz Age singer. She was one of the most popular radio stars of the late 1920s and early 1930s, with many of her most notable performances taking place on NBC's Maxwell House Show Boat. Over four million of her records had been sold by 1934, following the peak of her popularity.
In her ten-year recording career, she recorded about 250 sides. In a 1934 poll conducted by Radio Stars magazine, she received the title of best female popular singer. Second place went to Ethel Shutta, third place went to Ruth Etting, and fourth place went to Kate Smith.
I can't do much : I am frozen:: I'm already 5 days without central heating: my central heating is gas and thugs sabotaged my gas tank....the heating engineer repaired the damage, but I am waiting for the delivery of new gas....
Much love
je ne sais pas faire grand chose ; je suis gelee..: ca fait 5 jours que je suis sans chauffage central : mon chauffage central est au gaz et des voyous m'ont saboté ma cuve de gaz....le chauffagiste a reparé les degâts, mais j'attends la livraison de nouveau gaz....
Péntek este van és vége a télnek. Holnapi nappal elkezdődik a meteorológiai tavasz. Nagyon vártuk már.
Kellemes estét és csodás hétvégét kívánok sok szeretettel.
Holnaptól nem leszek, a lányomékhoz utazom több napra. Jelentkezem, ha visszajöttem. Vigyázz magadra, vidám napokat! Ölelésem, Éva
"A csöndet szeretem, meg a virágot, Galambok közt, virágos szigeten békés családi kör az álmom. Derű és nyugalom, parányi házban... Az élet szép. Tenéked magyarázzam? Szeressük egymást! Isten arra rendelt."
•..>>Hello my beloved friend,
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, take care of yourself always.
Due to family matters, it is impossible for me to be with you more often,
thank you for your friendship, blessings to you.<<..•
Final Friday and final day of February is here. Now I know Easter is late this year and we can have a freeze up until Easter, but I hope NOT and NO more Snow either. How about you?
However, again, I don't know about you, but where I live the pollen count is already high and I am having trouble breathing! Now is that a good sign or not?
Just because February is almost over doesn't mean that Hearts are gone. I fell in love with this and wanted to say Thank You for being my friend.
The leaves are NOT on the trees yet, but we can still gather together and support each other. I have a bird that loves to sing loud and proud that the weather has changed some. I just haven't caught him or her in a video yet.
Before you know it, we will see flowers blooming everywhere and there will be beautiful fresh cut flowers on the table!
2025 is going by very fast and yet we didn't think the cold and snow would ever leave. February has wonderful blessings but we say goodbye and we will see you next year. Bring on the March Blessings!
Morning Sweet Friend....I hope this week was good to you and the
weekend is even better.I'm going away this weekend, away from all the
hustle n bustle of the city lol. See you guys back here on Monday yay!
Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido
amigos/amigas.Con mucho amore y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de
ti Janet.