I hope my beloved dad is doing well and that the doctor gives him good news ... and mom .. I'm so excited ... these days i do nothing but cry ... for joy .. and for other things ... but he manages to give me a lethal boost of strength ... I'm talking about my Christian Saturday we celebrate his birthday ... even if his birthday is on Friday the 31st .. and Nicholas he is my bodyguard ... I laugh when he comes to visit me .. because he goes around the whole house ... he is afraid of finding a man in the closet lol ...
fategrandma wrote:
Heading out in just a few minutes to take Rbt to his glaucoma doctor checkup in the rain. I love you my sweet daughter.
xxx hello pam have a peaceful evening xx tyu for the lovely comment..here we had rain but ok in afternoon...hows your day....keep warm xx .[..is it winter in .Texas..?]hot drink..cooking dinner x now fish,.salmon :)....have a relaxing xxo evening over there...hugs xo....love caroline xo
Afternoon, very chilly day expecting snow tonight into tomorrow. got my car checked out were its been so cold'no charge., next week i need to get a inspection sticker, hope your having a great Tuesday..
went to stop and shop ., and coffee, see you tomorrow.
Good Day Sis. Pam, would be nice if we had a good Taco place here in town. Taco Bell is not a great place for taco's. The place I like is over in Springfield and that is 25 miles from here. And I am not going there just for Taco's. Yesterday I saw the VA for my wellness checkup, a few things I need to correc but the NP said it was probably some of due to my wife dying, so she will see me in 6 months and we will see if anything need to be changed. It is 35 out but it feels colder. Sun out and a nice day. Take care and enjoy the afternoon my friend. Bro. Doc
Tuesday is our favorite day because we go out to get Tacos. Every day we love to share our smiles and let our light shine brightly.
We always enjoy people and showing love to them and then seeing a frown turn into a smile.
You never know what others are going through when you cross their path. So share your peace with them.
Teach your children to be kind and do what is right by showing them how to treat others.
All of life starts with believing in yourself and showing others the right way to behave.
That includes dancing and singing and praising the Lord. They already know just how crazy you are, so show them.