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03/31/2025 15:43:37

Bonsoir mon Ami/e

Que ton esprit se libère

de toutes les préoccupations

et que tes rêves te transportent

vers un monde de paix

et d’harmonie

Puissent les étoiles veiller sur toi

pendant ton sommeil

et t’offrir des rêves pleins de magie

et de douceur

Je te souhaite une nuit remplie

de rêves colorés

où chaque instant

est empreint de bonheur

et de tendresse

Bonne nuit mon Ami/e

Et surtout prend soin de toi

  ..Amitié/Tendresse de

03/31/2025 14:57:04

Wishing a peaceful evening for you my dear friend. Blessed Be...*Hugs* & *Love*

A sunset over a mountain range photo ...
Sweet dreams....

03/31/2025 14:31:26

Greeings and Love ♥️
From this Netherlands ♥️
Dayenne ♥️

03/31/2025 12:59:54

“When you wake up in the morning,

think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive:

to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

~ Marcus Aurelius ~

03/31/2025 12:38:21

Let's enjoy a Music Monday 

03/31/2025 11:47:23

Hello, good start to the week. There's only one day left until April begins. We'll give it a new day. We'll open and have one more day. So the days go by. In Spain, it's often said that the days go by, but they come back to us. That's life, but blessed by God who lights us up, and having a great day is our hope.Today is a gift to you, just like you are a gift to me. I am glad that you are a part of my life. Good Morning.

Let's SMILE and be GRATEFUL for another day. Have a great day

 May LOVE and HAPPINESS come to you in abundance

If you can see the POSITIVE sides of everything, you'll be able to live a much Wishing you a warm and healthy morning, to make your day so special.take care kisses,maria

03/31/2025 10:16:39

Last day of the month and we are saying Goodbye to the windy month of March.  Tomorrow will be the beginning of a new month of rainy April showers!  

Before you know it, Summer will be here and we will be cutting lots of flowers to share with others.  

If you miss a day of walking the yard and looking around, the flower from yesterday will be wilted and a new one will have opened.  

Or a new baby Cardinal will have been born and might be testing its wings out while looking for food.   


There is always something breathtaking that God will put right in front of you if you just take the time to look.  

Yes!  He loves us and wants the very best for us.  So if something happens, like a pacemaker, look for the good, like all the wonderful people you got to meet and share the love of Christ with during the journey.  

Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/31/2025 10:11:43

start where you are
use what you have
do what you can

...have a fantastic week

With Love

03/31/2025 07:29:45

Monday morning..i wish you a awesome new week..hugs xoxo 










03/31/2025 06:23:55

Hello Sweetness!

Some chanpagn?

Come, sit and  have a glass with me...

Morning Dear Friend......Hope this last weekend of March was to your
satisfaction. Have a great rest of the week! Happy Monday! Stay Safe,
Stay Well, Stay Beautiful n Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con mucho
amore y respeto. tu querida amiga que nunca se olvida de ti. Janet.

03/31/2025 06:22:29

Good morning Lorri, have a wonderful start to your week.

⚘️Happy MondayߌBeautiful... - Flowers ...
Blessed Be...*Hugs* & *Love*

03/31/2025 06:01:26

Hello Sweetness!

Pose for me Baby!

03/31/2025 05:21:28

Hello Sweetness!

Coffee is on me !

03/31/2025 03:32:21

Hello Monday! Have a wonderful week!
This may contain: a bouquet of flowers sitting on top of a wooden table

03/31/2025 03:23:22

03/31/2025 02:21:03


03/31/2025 01:35:00

03/30/2025 20:17:34

03/30/2025 19:40:01

Hello my dear friends;  I am here to give thanks for all birthday comments and gifts, I will try to come back here everyday after work, have a wonderful day and thank you so much for your friendship all this time.

with sincere love..Marichuy

03/30/2025 17:43:09


03/30/2025 15:07:34

Happy Sunday cloudy day expectng rain

hope your having a good day.,

see you tomorrow

03/30/2025 14:57:31

03/30/2025 14:50:36

May heaven's angels protect my friends


03/30/2025 13:48:34

Hello dear friend

After two weeks of fever,  bad cough, and aches and pains all over (COVID), I'm getting my taste for food back, and I'm smelling my nose again, when my airways aren't too congested...

but my right hand is still giving me trouble..

I feel like a rag doll and don't dare take a step without my cane!!!

I collapse from weakness, without warning....

Luckily, I always have my cell phone in my pocket and my neighbors across the street have the keys to come and help me!!! (They're both nurses)

I don't dare disturb them too much... they have shifts that involve nights... they also need rest!!!

When I'm down and can't get up, I'm happy to see them arrive...

I'll try to come and greet you as often as possible... but I need a lot of rest, and I sleep a lot... the rest of the time, I spend preparing my meals...

I wish you a wonderful and blessed week.

Big, affectionate kisses.


Mon image

Mon image

Mon image

Mon image

03/30/2025 11:18:34

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