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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
38 years old
Copley, Ohio
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 07/31/2017
LAST LOGIN: 10/11/2024 19:33:00

Displaying 8 out of 205 comments
03/09/2025 11:52:47

03/09/2025 08:57:41

Hello, friend, happy, Sunday, have a good

Sunday,. Sometimes you find in

life, a special friendship: that someone who

when they enter your life, changes it completely.

That someone who makes you laugh non-stop; that

someone who makes you believe that there are really good  

 things in  the world, that someone believes in a great

 friendship, from a distance there are people who do not

 believe it, I do believe it although from a distance it

 is difficult, I do believe it in yours forever in the good and the

bad, smile, your smile will be prettier big hugs Maria, take care

03/08/2025 13:25:20

Don't forget to change your clock ahead on Sunday

03/08/2025 10:58:15

03/08/2025 08:07:15

Hello, I hope your weekend starts as you

 wish. Enjoy the WEEKEND everyone with lots

 of HEALTH and JOY. Today we have a double

reason to smile with friends, with your loved 

ones. It must be nice to get together and have a

delicious coffee with a nice toast with butter

and jam. It can only take a minute

to change a bad day for a good one. The sun

will shine brighter in your house and on your 

face. I hope you have a great time, and if 

your day is bad, let me know and I will arri 

ve with the magic wand and your day will be fun. I

 will leave you my hugs and I will make you smile.

 Kisses, Maria.cuidate

03/07/2025 12:38:55

03/07/2025 11:38:40

“Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive. 

If you want love, give love. 

If you want truth, be truthful.

If you want respect, give respect. 

What you give out will return to you.”

~ Unknown ~

03/07/2025 08:41:13

Hello, friend, happy Friday, you can turn this 

new day into something beautiful,you just have 

to decorate it with a little joy and excitement,

 we are here today,tomorrow, who knows,don't

look back,look ahead, continue the diet of joy, a

smile every morning and a thank you at the end of

the day, be happy,if you don't know if you live or dream, 

I'm going to blow away those dark clouds so

that your day is a day of success, with a ray of

light to illuminate your day, if you're happy,

I am too,big kisses Maria, take care 

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