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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
69 years old
Denison, Texas
United States
Profile Views: 696
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MEMBER SINCE: 08/21/2006
LAST LOGIN: 09/17/2007 21:21:42

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Gifts from my sis Brenda....
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Gifts from Foxy....
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My "Valentine" gift from Zeke
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A rose from Zeke
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A lovely rose from Karen (Rosebud)

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"Hugs" from babygirl51
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Oooh La La...A rose and jewels from Rick
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My name is Linda and I am a 51 year old lady who always thought 50 was old. Guess what??? It's not!!! I have two beautiful daughters (Lori 25 and Amber 21) who are the loves of my life. I love spending lots of time with them. Lori lives in Austin, Texas and Amber lives here in my town. I have an identical twin sister and she(Brenda) is my best friend. We love to shop till we drop. We also love flea marketing and auctions. I have two brats (chihuahua's) Cocoa and Harley. They are like mutt and Jeff...hehe..Cocoa weights 13 lbs and Harley tips the scales at a whopping 3 lbs. When I bought Cocoa they sold him as a pocket chihuahua. Wow what a pocket!!! I call them my munchkins. They keep life interesting to say the least. I have been with CIGNA Insurance company for 18 years. UGH!!! I'm dreaming of winning the lottery. (but geez you have to play to win...I'm screwed! (LOL)

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A beautiful gift from Susan....

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