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The Prophets Daughter
"I choose life: The gift of grace by active faith through confessing my sins and need of renewal, available only through intimate encounters with Christ's redeeming powers."

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
114 years old
Dreamland, California
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/07/2010
LAST LOGIN: 03/18/2018 21:31:37


Lyrics to Secrets

♫ Note to My Friends:
I respectfully regret I’m unable
to leave comments as often as I’d
like to.If you are one who expects
daily comments, then you’ll likely
be frustrated; you may be happier
deleting me, or in not adding me.
I enjoy getting to know friends
and love reading their blogs.I
put thought, time and love
into every comment sent.
I'm aware of you!

I will sing a new song

unto thee, O God: upon a

psaltery and an instrument

of ten strings will I sing

praises unto thee.

Psalm 144:9

Favorite Quotes

"You gain Strength, Courage

and Confidence by every

experience in which you

really stop and look fear

in the face. You are able

to say to yourself, I've

lived through this horror.

I can take the next thing

that comes along. You must

do the thing that you think

you can not do."

~ Eleanore Roosevelt ~

Favorite Scriptures

Lamentations 3:22

The Faithful Love Of The

LORD Never Ends! His Mercies

Never cease. Great is His

Faithfulness His Mercies

Begin Afresh Each Morning.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

He has made Everything

Beautiful in its time. He has

also set ETERNITY in the

Hearts of men; yet they can not

Fathom what God has done

from the Beginning to End.

Out of Zion, the

perfection of beauty,

God hath shined forth.

Psalms 50;2

Big band & 'L Jazz'
Soul ~ Symphonic
'Light Classical'

Angels descending,

bring from above

echos of mercy,

whispers of love

Heavenly Father

Watch o'er a little child

to-night, Blest Savior from

above, And keep me till the

morning light Within Thine

arms of love. For a thousand

years in Thine eyes are as

yesterday, For it passeth on,

yea, a watch by night

Psalms 90:4

Music is the mediator

between the spiritual

and the sensual life.

~ Ludwig van Beethoven ~

After Cleansing Rains

Come Tear Drops Revealing

Precious Heavenly Gifts!

When I feels as if the grapes

of wrath are falling, I remember

how grapes make sweet wine; a

representation of the blood that

Christ sacrificed for my life.

The more I abide in the vine of

Christ, practicing an awareness

of God's Presence, and of His

love, the more comfortable I am

with His process of purification;

and I love Him all the more . . .

Songs of Sanctuary

To Be Purified!

What Lies Behind Us

And What Lies Before Us

Are Tiny Matters Compared

To What Lies Within Us!

Melodies of Heart
Soul & Spirit


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Whispers in a dream
The world is quiet and waiting
And all around the air is still
And sings the angels

When all is come to pass
The storm has breathed it's last
And the rain
Has washed our fears away
Love we'll find

Whispers in the wind
The clouds part to let the light in
And all around the people sigh
As birds take to the sky

When all is come to pass
The storm has breathed it's last
And the rain
Has washed our fears away

Love will fall on us all
The world will smile again
Whispers in a dream
The world is quiet and waiting
And all around the air is still
Then sings the angels

When all is come to pass
The storm has breathed it's last
And the rain
Has washed our fears away
Love will fall on us all
And we'll find love again

Some Of My Favorite Things

Music, Biblical Literature, Mythology, Poetry,

History, Photography, Fine Arts, Victorian, Antiques

Places of Historical Significance, Homemade Bread,

Gourmet Cooking, Dark Chocolate, Morning Coffee,

Handmade Dolls & Quilts, The Insights of the Elderly

and Viewing the World Through the Eyes of Children.

Above all these, I Love the Simple Faith of a Child,

Adoring Angel Hugs, Sweet Butterfly Kisses,

Endless Love, and an Awareness of God's

Majestic, Eternal Presence

"Be still, and know that I am God."

Psalm 46:10

Abiding . . .
“I am the true vine, and My Father is

the vinedresser. “Every branch in Me

that does not bear fruit, He takes away;

and every branch that bears fruit, He

prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

I am the vine, ye are the branches:

He that abideth in me, and I in him,

the same bringeth forth much fruit:

for without me ye can do nothing."
John 15;1-8

He Wishes. . .

For The Cloths Of Heaven

Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,

Enwrought with golden and silver light,

The blue and the dim and the dark cloths

Of night and light and the half-light,

I would spread the cloths under your feet:

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

~ William Butler Yeats ~


In Seasons of Love,

and in all other Seasons

Falling in love with God is

the greatest of all romances.

Seeking Him is the greatest

of all life's adventures, and

Finding Him is the greatest

human achievement;

falling deeper...

Love.. Love.. Love..

Because I love Zion, I will not

be still. Because my heart yearns for

Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent. I will not

stop praying for her until her righteousness

shines like the dawn, and her salvation

blazes like a burning torch.

~ Isaiah 62 ~
O Passing Angel,

Speed Me With A Song,

A Melody Of Heaven

To Reach My Heart,

Rouse Me To The Race

And Make Me Strong.

Children Are Living

Jewels Dropped,

Unstained From Heaven

How Great Is The Love The Father Has Lavished On Us, That We
Should Be Called Children Of God! And That Is What We Are! 1John 3;1

Harmony & Humor

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence

nor imagination nor both together go to

the making of genius. Love, love, love,

that is the soul of genius.

~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ~

"The music is not in the notes,

but in the silence between."
♫ `♫
~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ~

Classical Elegance

Alas for those that never sing,

But die with all their music in them!

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes ~

A Lack Of Harmony Or Humor

The eyes of the Lord are upon us!

"We may ignore, but we can nowhere

evade, the presence of God."

~ C.S. Lewis ~

There is in souls a sympathy with sounds:

And as the mind is pitch'd the ear is pleased

With melting airs, or martial, brisk or grave;

Some chord in unison with what we hear

Is touch'd within us, and the heart replies.

~ William Cowper ~

Music Is The Literature Of The Heart;

It Commences Where Speech Ends.

~ Alphonse de Lamartine ~

“There are thoughts that are prayers.

There are moments when, whatever

the posture Of the body, the

soul is on it’s knees.”

~ Victor Hugo ~

Love Blessings...

from my heart to yours!

Bisous de moi à vous !

Thank You For Visiting!

Displaying 1 out of 1 comments
09/21/2024 11:10:19

Happy birthday!

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