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An emigre from space to place

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
79 years old
A Lone Star State of Mind, Texas
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/13/2010
LAST LOGIN: 05/31/2013 00:23:25

Any good Western or documentary.

Where I grew up, there were only two kinds of music, Country and Western, and I'm still hanging with them. though I did play a bit of early rock and roll and some easy jazz back in the day.

Why, mine, of course!! And anything by Louis L/Amour or Samuel Clemens with some Shakespeare on the side.

Done about all I ever wanted to do, and survived it. Can't ask for much more.

Somebody asked me not too long back who I really was, and how I came to be a writer. I told them there just wasn't that much to tell, at least that I wanted known. I don't have anything to hide, but I don't figure who I am really makes all that much difference, not compared to all the problems in the world today. They kept on pestering until I finally told them what I believe in, and that seemed to satisfy them. What did I say? Well, here it is.
I'm just an old cowboy (Irish and Lakota descent, Texan to the core) who still believes in, and lives by, the Code of the West. Respect women, the law, your country and all it represents. Expect the same from everyone else, and accept no compromise. Speak the truth, and if you can't, keep your mouth shut. But never be afraid to speak your mind, short of intentionally hurting a friend, unless they need a wake-up call. Give both compliments and criticism sparingly, and only when necessary. Never give your word if you can't keep it. Know that you can't get along with everyone, so don't even try. Understand that everyone has opinions, and respect those opinions whether they agree with you or not. To paraphrase Voltaire, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
I also believe in the credo of the Texas Rangers, "A man in the wrong can't stop a man in the right that just keeps coming." Fight for justice, and against injustices, but know the difference, not all causes are just, and not all people are worthy of the effort.
Though I enjoy my friends, I also enjoy being alone, and I don't need my friends to complete me. The best way to have a good friend is to be one. Never be afraid to ask for or offer help, that's what friends do.
I love watching a fine horse or a good dog work, quiet, lonely places, good food, good friends, and nature in all its beauty, including a pretty woman or a happy child. I also enjoy writing a good story of the Old West, one the reader can immerse themselves in, visualize the surroundings and events as though they were there. If you choose to read one of my stories, I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Just being alive.

Just being alive.

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