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02/17/2025 01:10:48

Lovely background.  Monday Hugs Josiane

02/17/2025 00:25:34


02/16/2025 23:42:38

This may contain: a cup of coffee next to an open book and some flowers


02/16/2025 23:30:41

Hello Sweetness!

“I built up these lumber piles of love, and with fourteen boards each I built little houses, so that your eyes, which I adore and sing to, might live in them. Now that I have declared the foundations of my love, I surrender this century to you: wooden sonnets that rise only because you gave them life.”                 --- Pablo Neruda  ---

Morning Sweet Friend....I hope your Valintines Day Weekend was just
wonderful for you and you didn't eat toooo much chocalate lol.Hope your
new week starts off great and stays that way all week! Stay Safe, Stay
Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho carino y
respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.


02/16/2025 22:48:04

02/16/2025 22:40:07

02/16/2025 22:35:48


02/16/2025 21:47:43

60+ Best Good Morning Monday Images [2024]

Beautiful flower by Donna Jos Sia

02/16/2025 20:53:22

02/16/2025 20:38:20

For you My Precious Friend...Big Hugs


02/16/2025 20:09:30

This may contain: a chanel quote with the words be who you are, not who the world wants you to be

Story pin image

Everyone else is taken... be an individual not a copy.you make rhe best you ...xo 

Story pin image

02/16/2025 20:02:48

02/16/2025 19:01:45


02/16/2025 18:50:22


Hey everyone!  Just wanted to wish you all a relaxing Sunday evening. I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and rest! Take some time to unwind before the week starts, and here’s to a great new week ahead. Let’s crush it! 

02/16/2025 17:41:39

What a mess we got friday thru today..

And it's not stopping yet !

Hope everyone is safe with all the floods, tornados and snow crap this weekend

02/16/2025 14:15:45

02/16/2025 14:13:11

Enjoy a Blessed Sunday Dear Friend

02/16/2025 14:08:58

Enjoy your day dear Liberte!

02/16/2025 13:30:30

*Sending some Sunday Love*

02/16/2025 13:12:16

*Sunday Blessings*

02/16/2025 12:48:06

02/16/2025 12:35:04

Story pin image




02/16/2025 12:25:32

with love

Bisous du coeur


02/16/2025 11:54:48

Mon image
Mon image
Mon image
Mon image
Mon image
Mon image
Mon image

Bonsoir, chere Josiane

Cette fillette parmi les fleurs dans son jardin...afin que tu jouisses en pensées du printemps qui s'annoncera bientôt...

Rêver n'a jamais fait de mal a personne...

Un tas de gros bisous affectueux.

Bonne soirée.


ici il gele encore un peu...et ce matin au lever, j'ai eu la surprise de voir tout le jardin enneigé !!...( a peine 1 cm )...

A présent, tout a disparu..

02/16/2025 09:34:47

Have A Lovely Sunday

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