Oh yeah we are having a peaceful weekend! I just turned my phone off! If they need me they will have to knock on the door! hahahahaha! I love me a lazy weekend! Have a good one Ally!
Finally getting a chance to log in today..got groceries and car inspected mid morning. Glad that's done. Will be visiting a firmer neighbor tomorrow, as she now relies in a skilled nursing facility. She turns 95 in April. We miss her so much. Her house sold last October and itt finally has tenants. It's rental property now. Still dreaming of the day we can relocate to TN. Enjoy the weekend...-:)
Hello there♥️Dear friends♥️yes it It's weekend almost there♥️ enjoy it! I'm going to continue everything♥️except unfortunately here will come back in the New week ♥️ There are plenty waiting animals and Home♥️ of course cozy Family ♥️plays too a major role. And to Sunday our grandchildren ♥️ Conviviality plays a role delicious ♥️ Lots of love♥️s make it cozy candle on drink with it ♥️ Nice and cozy weekend♥️ Soraya from the Netherlands♥️ XoXO ♥️
Ismét a hétvégi napok kopogtatnak. Hozzák a dolgos hét után a megérdemelt pihenést. Nálunk igazi téli idő van. Sajnos nagyon sok az influenzás beteg, vigyázz magadra!
Békés, szép hétvégét, jó pihenést , feltöltődést kívánok. Mostanra jó estét, szép álmokat! Ölelésem, Éva
"Tavasz. A legjobb időpont a változásra, és a változtatásra."