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07/26/2024 21:24:50

Have a good night!

07/26/2024 18:19:32

Evening was a beautiful day no humidity

they say all weekend to be 80;s.,

i went for ice tea., met the ladies., then went to Oceanstate job lot store.

hope you has a great day., see you tomorrow 

have a good weekend   night..

Evening  was a crazy day.,

rain off and on., suppose to be a nice weekend

went to lunch with  a girlfriend today, every thurdday we go

hope you had a good day and a wonderful night

07/26/2024 18:19:18

Sure am glad it's Friday! Raining right now but it took 

the temps down to the high 80's but it's not to bad! Hope this 

finds that your headed to a great weekend! We're gonna have a 

dinner at my daughters house, school starts in 2 weeks so i will 

be a Taxi again. Take them to school and picking them up! Only 

going to have one grandson he will be in the 10th grade! I can't 

wait till he is done with school! Waking up early again i will 

have to get use to it! Well you take care and share the Smiles! 

Have a Peaceful Evening! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Alway's!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot 

be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

~ Helen Keller ~

07/26/2024 18:13:25

07/26/2024 13:19:23

It's true that we don't know what we've 

got until we lose it, but it's also true 

that we don't know what we've been 

missing until it arrives. 

~ Unknown ~

07/26/2024 12:39:58

Cookies for you...


07/26/2024 12:17:33

Have a great Friday!


07/26/2024 12:12:58

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Friday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
ƸӜƷ ¸.•°*”˜ ƸӜƷ ˜”*°•. ✫**ƸӜƷ
**✫.•°*”˜ ƸӜƷ ˜”*°•. ✫**

07/26/2024 11:15:43

Glad it's Friday..

Let the weekend be a good one

07/26/2024 09:10:20
Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
❉Let Every Day Be A Dream you Can Touch..
❉Let Every Day Be A Love You Can Feel..
❉Let Every Day Be A Reason To Live..
❉Be Happy My Friend.. ❥
Love ♥ From My Heart..
❉(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

07/26/2024 07:45:33

good morning Tash..make it a awesome day..hugs and love xoxo 











07/26/2024 07:23:58

Hello my sweet friend, have a happy Friday! Enjoy it...Kisses

07/26/2024 05:38:55

07/26/2024 05:35:57

Have a good one..

07/26/2024 05:33:40

Well happy Friday,I wish you a fun and happy day..Kisses and hugs ! smiley-wink.gif

07/26/2024 04:29:12

Imagen de Story Pin

Jetzt ist es Zeit für den Haushalt und die Wäsche.

Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein ab ins Wochenende.

07/26/2024 04:10:38

Ich wünsche Dir einen

schönen guten Morgen und

einen schönen Freitag.

Lass es dir gut gehen und bleib gesund!

Liebe Grüße,Abby

07/26/2024 01:09:31

07/26/2024 01:09:29

Have a peaceful day , dear Friend


07/26/2024 00:52:31

07/25/2024 21:53:48

Happy Friday! 🌸 5/17/19 - The Badgers Den - Graphic Design Forum

Rose Cube Assorted

What to wear for your couples photo session - Liv Hettinga Photography

07/25/2024 20:24:49

Hello my friend, Always good to hear from you. :) Yes, it has been a hot summer here. Now we have forest fires all around, so the air quality is bad. I have been staying in the house a lot. I am having another ice coffee. I will make you one okay? :) You enjoy your day Natasha. And the weekend too. Lots of love. :) xoxox

07/25/2024 19:23:09


07/25/2024 19:13:52

Evening  was a crazy day.,

rain off and on., suppose to be a nice weekend

went to lunch with  a girlfriend today, every thurdday we go

hope you had a good day and a wonderful night

07/25/2024 17:36:27

Making Shakes..What flavor Shake would you like?

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