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You'll notice I don't have a "top friends" section. That's because I consider ALL of my friends to be "tops". What you see here is what you get. If you think it's too much, or not enough, then I suggest you go look elsewhere...

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
113 years old
San Antonio, Texas
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 10/31/2010
LAST LOGIN: 12/31/2017 13:40:30


Too many to list entirely. Some include Sleuth (the old version with Michael Caine and Lawrence Olivier), the Lord of the Rings triology, The Twilight Series, Harry Potter series, The Pirates of the Carribean series, Rio Bravo, Casablanca, Stand By Me, et al.

Just about anything except opera and hip-hop/gangsta rap. Particularly fond of Celtic music and hammered dulcimer. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO ADD YOUR "TRIBUTE PAGE" TO MY FRIEND LIST. I understand that several folks have these and put a lot of work into them, but they are really not my cup of tea, and I will most likely turn down your request.

Anything having to do with trivia; books by James Clavell, J.K. Rowling, JRR Tolkein, Jonathan Kellerman, Stephenie Meyer, Kathy Reisch, Charles Dickens, Stories by Edgar Alan Poe, et al.

Needlework, cooking, reading ...


Things to do today:
1) get up
2) survive
3) go to bed
4) repeat as many times as possible

I am a divorced (for several years) woman looking for friends, old and new. What I am NOT [repeat...NOT] looking for here is any romance or "hook-ups". Been there. Done that. Never going back again.

Numerous and varied, depending on the day and the mood I'm in.

Jealous, "clingy" people. People who send friend requests even tho' their profiles are set to "private". ABOUT COMMENTS -- I don't send out comments to anybody, nor do I "forward" or "share" the comments I'm sent. That reminds me too much of chain letters. I appreciate your comments and will try to respond when I get them, but if I don't, please don't get mad about it...especially if you send me tons of them. Oh, and I also delete all comments I get after I've viewed them, so if they're not showing, I've already seen them.

Displaying 6 out of 6 comments
07/12/2024 08:47:40
Gentle Healers of mind,
body, and spirit are surely
a gift from you sent to
travel lonely roads as our
 companions. Sustain them
as they sustain us; they are
an expression of your love.
Look beyond your tears and
see the rainbow.
What you can do about feeling
as if you've lost control?
Have Faith that something
greater than you will reach 
down and place you on the 
path to recovery.


Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be (possibly your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger) but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience help to create who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

Make every day count!!! Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.

Absolutely my friend make every day count!!! Love you .
Love and Blessings 

07/01/2024 10:12:07
Tomorrow may not look very promising from where you stand today,
but beyond that tomorrow there is another one just down the road,
one for which you are holding out hope. Spread your Wings and Soar!
If life is continually knocking
you down, of course you'll
feel angry. In fact, some anger
is probably going to help.
and change things.
Fall down seven times
rise up eight.
Your stronger than you know . Love and Blessings

Beautiful, Strange UFO ... or Angel

Some researchers think there might be a connection between UFOs and angel sightings. They say the angels and heavenly figures encountered in the Bible might actually have been extraterrestrials.

After his experience in the 1980s with "the most beautiful thing" he ever saw, Lewis L. might agree with that assessment.

It was a Saturday morning in Mariposa, California, and Lewis had to work that day. The air was fresh from a cool rain the night before, and the morning sky was bright with a few scattered clouds.

"I was heading out to my car in the back parking lot of the apartment complex where I lived when I noticed someone kneeling next to my car," Lewis says. "This person saw me and quickly stood up holding a crowbar."

The young man was quite obviously startled by Lewis's interruption, and although Lewis sensed the boy was up to no good, it hadn't yet hit him what he was doing. Then Lewis looked through the passenger window of his car and saw that the steering wheel column had been stripped of its cover. He realized that the young man was trying to steal his car.

"I asked him what the hell he was doing," Lewis recalls. "He gave me a lame story about his friend's car being stolen last night and that my car looked like his friend's and so on. I didn't want to hear it. I told him I was going to call the police, which I did on my cell phone."

Lewis dialed 911 and gave the dispatcher the address. He told the would-be thief that the police were on their way and warned him not to leave. The boy said he would wait for the police, but Lewis could tell he was just waiting for the right moment to make a run for it.

"If he did, I wasn't going to try to stop him because his adrenaline was pumping and he had that crowbar," Lewis says.

As Lewis was grilling the young man, trying to detain him, he began to notice three rather large clouds in a single-file formation that were almost overhead.

"Then I saw it," he says. "A shiny object exiting from the first cloud and entering the next and then coming out of that one. It was shiny, like brightly polished chrome, and moving at a good speed. I couldn't make out the shape."

By this time, Lewis was so distracted by the UFO that the punk saw his chance and took off. That's when the object entered the last cloud. From there it was nothing but open sky. "When it emerged, my life changed," Lewis says.

"There against the richness of the blue sky was a silvery shape that seemed to have arms and legs! It was so beautiful to look at. At the same time, it had the appearance of metal. It looked like some kind of ship with a strange design. The best way I can describe it is it looked like silverware in the design of the stickman children draw. It was huge, moving fast and made no noise.

"As it sailed overhead, some of the limbs would move up and down, giving the impression of being alive - a living entity! It made a couple of rolls, reflecting the sun in every direction - just beautiful ... oh my god, beautiful!

"As it started to fade away from my view, I found myself short of breath and with tears running down my cheeks. It had that much of an effect on me. I began thinking maybe that's what an angel looks like. Maybe not!"

1. Accept people where they are
2. Accept situations for what they are
3. Accept that not every action
      needs a reaction.

06/18/2024 08:19:41

The man with a Lamp

The man with a lantern-life
The man with a lantern

Once there was a little village where lived a blind man. Although, he was very blind and couldn’t have been bothered by darkness at night. He did, however, always carry with him a lighted lamp when he went out at night.

One fine night, he encountered a young group of travelers returning from supper. The traveler immediately noticed he was blind but was surprised he had a lighted lamp in his hand. They began making remarks about him and mocking him. Finally, one of them asked, “Hey, Man! Why do you have a lantern if you’re blind?!”

“Yes,” the blind man admitted, “I am blind and have no vision. And this lamp may not be of any use to me. But, bright light being carried by me is for people like you who can see. At night the streets are dark, and you may not see the way. You may even not see the blind man coming and bump into me. That is why I am carrying this lantern.”

The young travelers apologized for their conduct. 

Moral: Before judging others, we should consider things from their perspective. Always be polite and open-minded.


06/18/2024 08:16:44

The man with a Lamp

The man with a lantern-life
The man with a lantern

Once there was a little village where lived a blind man. Although, he was very blind and couldn’t have been bothered by darkness at night. He did, however, always carry with him a lighted lamp when he went out at night.

One fine night, he encountered a young group of travelers returning from supper. The traveler immediately noticed he was blind but was surprised he had a lighted lamp in his hand. They began making remarks about him and mocking him. Finally, one of them asked, “Hey, Man! Why do you have a lantern if you’re blind?!”

“Yes,” the blind man admitted, “I am blind and have no vision. And this lamp may not be of any use to me. But, bright light being carried by me is for people like you who can see. At night the streets are dark, and you may not see the way. You may even not see the blind man coming and bump into me. That is why I am carrying this lantern.”

The young travelers apologized for their conduct. 

Moral: Before judging others, we should consider things from their perspective. Always be polite and open-minded.


06/11/2024 09:31:21
A flower, a bird in song, a
starlit sky...in times of
trouble it takes so little to
remind us that there is still
beauty in the world, still
hope for the heart. 

There is a peace at sunrise that surpasses all understanding. It's a renewal. A feeling that anything is possible. I’d like to say I drag myself from the comfort of my bed every day to enjoy sunrise’s splendor, but you wouldn’t believe me and I would be lying. What is true is I was there that day and so was she. 

There is a connection between sunrisers just because they are sunrisers. It’s a shared, yet unspoken, appreciation for things quiet and beautiful. That might explain why I was immediately drawn to her, but I know it wasn’t just because of the earliness of the morning. Delilah, you see, would have attracted me no matter the time of day. 

The first time I saw her I was sitting there, at my favorite secret spot, overlooking Lake Quinault. It’s a hidden gem in Washington State owned by the Quinault Indian Nation and, before that day, if I had my way, no one would ever sit and admire its beauty other than me.

The lake, a destination point for fishermen, swimmers, and sightseers, is nature at its most spectacular. It is located deep in the Olympic National forest. It isn’t easy to find, even if you’re looking for it. Once discovered, even the most magnanimous outdoorsmen will keep the secret to themselves. In an era where, too often, free time is wasted in front of a flat screen TV, Lake Quinault is a reminder of the reasons for taking vacations and the sunrise over the lake is God's definition of must-see. 

That particular trip occurred in early summer. I remember it vividly because I had to be in place just after 5:00 a.m. to catch the sun as it appeared over the mountain. Summer is the best time to watch the sunrise because no one in their right mind would be up early enough, nor would be hardy enough to make the journey to my secret spot. No one except me, and Delilah.

“Is this seat taken?”

Not many people can remember the first words spoken by or to the love of their life, but I absolutely can. That morning, as I turned to see from where the unexpected voice was coming, the first light of dawn revealed the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Not all men might have thought so. Delilah wore no makeup, a pair of ripped jeans, and a faded brown hoodie. Her hair, perfectly auburn, looked as if it hadn’t been touched since she rolled out of bed that morning. It was obvious she had made no effort to look beautiful and yet she had an inner spark that couldn't be hidden. Not by tattered jeans or a faded hoodie. Something changed that first moment I saw her, I changed. I had spent years guarding my secret spot, and now, surprisingly, unexpectedly, delightfully, I wanted nothing more than to share my sunrise with her.

I, unfortunately, was not born a poet and as such the most romantic thing I could think of in response to her inquiry was: “It’s a free country.” With that, she invaded my secret spot, both next to the lake and in my heart. 

The silence that followed was both loud and revealing. Delilah wasn’t there for small talk; she was there to admire the beauty of sunrise. We sat in silence and watched as the sun peeked over the horizon, covering the two of us in its warming light. She and I carried on a conversation without words. She told me, silently, that she understood the importance of the moment, and I responded in kind that this moment was made all the more special because she was there to share it. 

Perfection is a goal impossible to realize in this mortal realm, but that morning came as close as is humanly possible. So many thoughts ran through my mind as the sun revealed itself completely. Then just as quickly and quietly as she had come, Delilah rose to her feet, wiped some residual dirt from the seat of her ripped jeans, and headed down the trail and out of my sight. 

Eight words verbalized, an infinite number of potential events contemplated. Thirty minutes had passed, a lifetime had been imagined. I was sure I would never see her again, and the thought made me overwhelmingly sad.

The next five years came and went, five long years since that day at the lake. There were first dates, first kisses, and the words “I love you” exchanged, yet every time fate or intention would reach down and sabotage promise. I became determined to find peace in my solitude.

There was always a reason or an excuse for my ending every potential relationship, but at its core was a shared sunrise and a conversation that didn’t happen. 

I went to our spot from time to time, to see the sunrise, not for her. At least, that’s what I told myself. I had given up without realizing I was hoping. Hoping to see her again. Hoping to feel what I felt that day. Hoping she would be there. And then it happened. It was once again summer, it was sunrise, but this time she was there.

“Is this seat taken?”

“It’s a free country.”

The same eight words.

At the time, I didn’t know that she, too, had often made the trip back to our secret spot.

Seeing her again, I knew I wouldn’t let the opportunity slip from my grasp, not a second time. When the sun had completed its part in our play, Delilah rose to her feet and wiped the dirt from her jeans exactly as she had done five years earlier. This time, however, I stood up as well.  

“My name is Peter. I don’t like coffee, but I’d really like to have a cup with you.” 

“My name is Delilah,” she responded, matter-of-factly, “and I would be glad to share a cup of Joe.”

She called it Joe? It’s funny the things that confirm that a love is real. I couldn’t tell her that day, for fear of losing her, but at that moment, I was sure. I had said “I love you” to others before, but it was obvious to me that I had lied. For in that moment, I was finally sure what love felt like.

Lifetimes are only lifetimes when viewed in reverse. A cup of coffee became a dinner date. A dinner date became a commitment. A commitment became a proposal, and a proposal became forever. There were kids and dogs and vacations, but more than anything, there were trips to Lake Quinault. Always at sunrise. Always just the two of us. Never any words spoken.

You never know the last time is the last time until it’s too late. The final trip we took to Lake Quinault was like all the rest. It took a little longer for tired, old bones to make the trek, but we found our spot, sat together, and conversed in silence. The sun, unaffected by time, rose as perfectly as always, but Delilah rose only with my help.  

“Would you like to share a cup of Joe?”

She knew I did. She knew sitting next to her pretending to like coffee was my greatest pleasure. She also knew she would never come back to see another sunrise even though I was too stubborn to admit it to myself. 

That day in the café, we told stories of family and friends, living and lost, as we sipped on what had eventually become my favorite beverage. We made a mental scorecard of our life and realized we had won. 

Two days later I lost her. Just like that first day at the lake, I watched her as she left me alone, this time without even the hope of returning. The sadness I felt from years back flooded over me like a tidal wave. 

I’ll save a seat for you. Those were her last words to me. True to myself, I replied: “It’s a free country.” Then, she was gone. 

One day, hopefully soon, I will watch the sunrise with my Delilah again only from a far better secret place. Until then, I only go to our special spot at night. 

I’m never alone when I go there. I make my way to our clearing and sit down just as I did all those years ago. As the moon reflects off the lake, I feel her comforting hand reach down for me, and in the silence only we understand, I hear her very clearly. 

Catch a sunrise or sunset.
Eavesdrop on a early 
morning chatter of birds.
Watch the furry of a passing
thunderstorm. Search for the
of a rainbow . Enjoy day
 whatever comes your way .
May it bring  all the things
you wish for.
 Love and Blessings

06/04/2024 12:45:40


Do yourself a favor and

When a connection starts to fade, learn
how to let it go. When  a person starts to
mistreat you, learn how to move on to 
something and someone better. Don't
waste your time and energy trying to 
force something that isn't meant to be.
Because the truth is, for every one
person who doesn't value you there 
are TONS more waiting to love you better.
Have a Super Day! Amazing One. Hugs 

The Two Shoe Salesman 

The Two Shoe Salesman story is a well-known parable that illustrates the power of perspective and attitude.

The story goes that two shoe salesmen were sent by a shoe company to a foreign country to assess the market for their product.

The first salesman arrived and immediately sent a message back to the company saying, “There is no potential here – nobody wears shoes.”

The second salesman arrived and sent a message back saying, “This is a fantastic opportunity – nobody wears shoes!”

The story demonstrates how two people can look at the same situation and interpret it completely differently based on their mindset and attitude.

The second salesman had a positive outlook and saw the potential in the situation, while the first salesman had a negative outlook and saw only the obstacles.

This story is often used to illustrate the power of a growth mindset and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in order to succeed in any situation.

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