I love a variety of music but the one video I'm most proud of to display on my profile is the best version of How Great Thou Art by Carrie Underwood. I'm also a huge fan of hers. Enjoy!
Being led to Boomer was a gift from God because he gave me all of you. I love you all and I want all of my friends to be blessed with so much, but mostly love. If I had to choose a song to project what your friendship means to me and what I want for you, then please listen to this song because this is dedicated to every friend I have here on Boomer.
Before I die I want to visit Mexico. My Grandfather was born there and came to the U.S.A. and received his citizenship where he was a Spanish interpreter for the Steel Mill. I've seen a lot of the U.S. but there still are a few places I'd like to see. Since having met so many wonderful people on Boomer it would be a dream come true just to meet one of you!
A Man Told His Grandson:
“A terrible fight is going on inside me…
A fight between two wolves. One is evil and represents hate, anger, arrogance, intolerance, and superiority.
The other is good, and represents joy, peace, love, tolerance, understanding, humility, kindness, sympathy, generosity, and compassion.
This same fight is going on inside you, inside every other person too.
The Grandson then asked: “Which wolf will win?”
The old man simply replied: “The one you feed.”
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve
I'm just a small town woman who is a proud mother of two children. A son Ryan and a Daughter Carly. The day I had them I truly found out what unconditonal love really was. They give me endless hours of fun and laughter and there is no sound more beautiful to my ears than my children's laughter and the tons of "I love you's" I hear every day of my life. I am truly blessed with the gift of "Motherhood" God gave me! I am very sentimental and it's the little things in life that make me happy. I love making new friends and I'm here for friendship. I am Mexican and Italian and I was raised to always carry myself like a lady and I've always abided by that standard. I love the NFL and just having good times with my friends. I respect any friend I make to the fullest extent so all I ask in return is please do not post any nudity or vulgar language on my page!! If you do, the comment and you will be deleted immediately. Other than that, if you want to know anything else just ask me and I'll always be honest with you!
First and foremost, I must thank my Dear Friend and Sister Jean (Time-2-Celebrate) for making my profile! She did an incredibly stunning job and I am forever grateful for that! I would also love to thank my Dear Friend " Swabby Jam" for leading me to Boomer and Many thanks to my Sister and Dear Friend Johanna who always brightens my day with her smile and a song. The song "Color of Love" is posted in her honor. My gratitude for these 3 friends are tremendous and as "Jo-Jo" put it: "Our friendship is bonded by the heart and sealed with God's love forever!" Now onto a little bit about me.. I absolutely love white roses! They are my favorite flower but any flower given to me is like giving me the lottery! I love, respect, and deeply appreciate nature. I love watching the beauty of a sunset or sometimes looking up at the moon at night, and as silly as it sounds, wishing upon a star! I love the beach, going out to a movie now and then, and I love candlelight. I also love just kicking back at home and watching football. I live for football season! (lol) I also love making new friends. I'm a strong believer in fate and friends are blessings to me. With that said, I protect my friendships with my heart and I always say what's in my heart because you never know what tomorrow will bring you.
If you ask my children what's the one thing I dislike the most, they'll instantly say "A Liar." I am straight up honest and I will not honor a liar. I was instilled with manners and to be proud of my heritage. When someone makes fun of it, I really get upset. It also upsets me when two friends try to pressure me to take their side. One lesson I've learned in life is Never take sides, you make two enemies!! I'm pretty much easy going and get along with everybody. (At least I try to anyways!) One thing I'm big on is hugs! Whenever I see one of my friends I always give them a hug. It just seems like such a warm feeling and always lifts someone's spirits when you hug them. So hugs has become my trademark in life! Everytime I see one of my friends they are waiting with open arms because they know what's coming! (lol)
Please Respect My Page! No Nudity or Vulgar Language Please!
Have a good evening~We have sun shine in the afternoon & freezing at nite....Still recovering from my foot surgery....but getting better....Hugs Lorribelle54