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Into The Mystic

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
74 years old
DFW, Texas
United States
Profile Views: 44989
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Referrals: 1
Who referred me: mollytwo

MEMBER SINCE: 08/26/2012
LAST LOGIN: 04/19/2024 15:14:54

One of my favorites is The Big Lebowski with Jeff Bridges.

I’m eclectic. It’s whatever grabs me spur of the moment. At times I like a good catchy beat with a fair share of good bass as the backbone of it. You could mention the Rolling Stones as one example.

learning apps….this ‘AI’ thang is really leading into Alice’s Rabbit Holes I’m thinking.

I want you all to know I know not all want video sharing. Ok. I get that. I just have to learn whom wishes to be text and pictures/art only. I try to be considerate.

The older I get the simpler the list is. No amazing wishes or anything like that. Just normal everyday things at just the right time making the day really rock.

12/11/22 How many of you already know what your getting/giving for Christmas?
12/11/22 Would you be disappointed receiving a cash gift card for Christmas?
05/17/22 What do you compensate more easily, heat or cold?
06/27/21 What spiritual book do you live by?
06/27/21 What iis it with men’s socks today?

The profile pic is obviously not me, lol. I’m 74 as of this month.
I wish this happened more often, but I’m happiest when I’m ‘drowing in ideas’.

Open minds.
People-loving people
Shoot from the hip
Positive, Optimistic, forward thinking
Great at handling ‘damage control’ should that happen
Everyone that doesn’t run away from a problem
Problem solvers
Loves Music to the hilt

Self absorbed people
bored to death
Sharing gloom, conspiracies
Don’t notice Nature’s beauty
Living in the past
Feel ‘victiimized’ all the time
Smothering and Authoritative
Alcoholic losers trying to run a failing bar

Displaying 8 out of 683 comments
04/23/2024 23:27:46

04/23/2024 23:25:13

04/23/2024 23:22:30


04/23/2024 22:50:29

04/23/2024 22:47:48

Hello Sweetness!

A Painter should begin every canvaswith a wash of Black, because all thingsin nature are dark except where exposedby the light.     -----Leonardo Da Vinci -----

Morning Sweet Friend of mine....Give yourself permission to see things
different today, to do things different today,fill your life with Dreams
and magic and good madness, read some good books and kiss someone that
thinks your wonderful! Don't forget to make some Art,sing, draw,as only
you can.You never know you just might surprise yourself! Stay Safe, Stay
Well, Stay Beautiful n Humble mi querido amigo/ amiga, siempre con
mucho, mucho carino y respeto su amiga janet.

04/23/2024 22:12:54

Hello Sweetness!

My mission in life is not merely to survive,but to thrive; and to do so with some passion,compassion, some humor, and some style.       ------- Maya Angelou -------

Morning Sweet Friend....Glad to find you here today and today finds you
in good spirits.Enjoy your day, the weather, whatever it may be....we
are grateful to enjoy each and every day as it comes! :) Stay Safe, Stay
Well, Stay Beautiful and humble sweet one as alway s sent with mucho
carino y mucho repesto, tu querida amiga janet.

04/23/2024 17:25:48

04/23/2024 17:13:18

Evening., weather in the 50's  nights frost

just went for coffee., hope your having a good day

see you in the morning.

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