MoonLadyRaven's Place
Female 73 years old Oakdale, Minnesota United States Profile Views: 542
    [ 24482 ]
03/30/2012 16:41:07 |
WOW...Collectic, I guess.As far as DVD's go classical Horror mainly,I do have alot of John Wayne. T.V. show's it's SIFI. Ghost Hunter Tapps.and CSI.
I have my share of Pagan Books, also have Mist Of Avlon,& Meeting The Madwoman by Linda Leonard.
I'm A Mother,Grandmother,Mom,& Witch.. I say this with Pride!I am a Witch, but by no means no Glenda.Been one for a long time, and it has changed in my life and the way my family thinks of me. My Grandfather said I had a gift, my Mother had it to. But out of fear of her faith,she never used it.I was the second born of eight children,five girls,three boys. Even though now my family claims there is only seven, I'm the BLACK SHEEP. A Mother of Three Beautifull children,Two Son's: Michael and William and a lovely Daughter Amanda.I also have four Grandchildren, who are all like my children taller than me.I am also "MOM" to alot of other children, who I've welcome into my heart and home.They come from all walks of life,they are my Family too.And if you want to see the worse part of me hurt my children.There is a saying; I smile because you are my children, I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. HA HA HA HA. I didn't have an easy life nor childhood. But that's the past and this is a new day.And I am still here,to make a difference.
My Pagan Life.. The feel of the dirt, or grass on my bare feet as I walk. The Smell of Crisp Air,and when the Season change. The Love of my Children & Grandchildren.
People who just keep Hate in their hearts, and to hurt others for control.Some Rap Music Also
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